expected a bit more out of this game after the success of the Battle For Bikini Bottom remake. In comparison to that game, Cosmic Shake doesn't have the same quality level design and mission that made Battle For Bikini Bottom so good. The game's linear design made most missions a chore to get through and the missions were mostly forgettable.

An ok game but if you don't have nostalgia for the original there isn't that much here to recommend

A fun third-person shooter with a decent story that gets repetitive after a while

The weakest game in the series. The story is pointless, the enemies are forgettable and the levels are bland. It has a few good cutscenes and a cool opening boss fight but that's all this game has to offer. Unless you're a diehard fan of the series I wouldn't recommend it.

Fun game to play for a night or two but once you realize how shallow it is it gets old fast.

An awful movie tie-in game. Nothing here worth reccomending


Having never played a Zelda game I bought Tunic thinking it would be the next best thing. I wasn't expecting it to be one of the most mind-melting puzzle games I've ever played. Not a game I would recommend to everyone but if you like puzzle games this might be up your alley.

One of those really charming childhood games that obviously isn't any good but holds a weird place in your heart

Still better than 99% of modern sports games

Decent movie tie-in game I used to play a lot when I was younger

Not as good as I remember it being when I was a kid but still an ok game

The best superhero game ever made

My favorite FPS of all time. Played it for the first time as a kid and it gets better with every replay

The Room of Videogames. Played the whole thing with a friend and we laughed all the way to the end.

Certainly not the worst game I've ever played but there's nothing here you can't find in other, better games