38 reviews liked by josefzorn

the voice acting in this game needs to be studied

So I thought this was the original Superhot lmao. Turns out it's an arcade mode with a sprinkle of lore thrown in. Luckily Superhot's gameplay kept me hooked for most of its run time but the lack of variety and new features becomes apparent quickly

a lot more difficult than I expected for a Kirby game

GOW Valhalla was indeed a fluke, i still and not a big fan of roguelikes. I remember seeing this game trailered years ago and was captivated by the animation and art style, glad to see it looks just a good in game, but the amount of RNG is too much for me

Probably the best story of the new trilogy but a couple of the levels are really forgettable. However, the gameplay is so fun I don't even notice, Since this game has effectively turned into the Hitman Trilogy it is way better

A masterful puzzle box masquerading as the kind of shitty B-grade horror VHS weekly you'd find at your local video store as a kid. Amazing stuff.

princess mononoke: the official videogame....tears of the kingdom eventually brought in a ton of open-world side quests and puzzles to fill out Hyrule, but breath of the wild's treatise on nature has a pace and confidence all its own.

Great level and enemy variety. Thoughtful, satisfying weapons and mechanics. Fluid gameplay, awesomely unique art style and graphics. Doesn’t take itself seriously while delivering a fun, colourful experience. Unfortunately the music lacks character and memorability. It’s just kind of there to support the gameplay, but doesn’t fit the wonky, cartoony, psychedelic world they’ve built. No complaints with the SFX and voiceovers though!



The mages are so funny when they die. They just "ahg" and gently fall on their backs as if falling onto a cushy mattress. I love how the crossbow can pierce through multiple enemies and killing multiple marshmallow mages with one arrow feels refreshing. As someone that has usually steered away from horror movies and video games this pushed that threshold for me. Guess I'm a little less sensitive to dark, creepy, jumpy themes now, which I think is a good thing. I appreciate the variety of enemies and levels, the crisp retro 3d look works really well with the fast paced movement. Upon completion, I have started playing the recently released HD update at a harder difficulty. Very cool that they've released a free update that changes up the look of the game.

Kirby games never fully clicked with me, so Nintendo took a truck, loaded it with just everything they got and unloaded it over my head.
There's no escape. You have to dig this if you're into platformers. I still wouldn't say its my favorite one EVER but theres just so much creative gamedesign, so many ideas to chuckle about, such a nice visual language, such an accessible gameplay, the whole game is playable in Coop, aaand so on, it turned out to be perfect for my kids and actually the first game they really enjoyed playing in coop.

I would even dare to say, this is to the Kirby series what BotW was to Zelda. Although with Zelda I could have understood if some disliked them abandoning so many learned paradigms. In Kirby's case I can't really understand how anyone would ever go back. And its so funny to me as Kirby always felt like such an 1980ies kind of franchise. Now seeing him sucking cars to 70% completion is just as stupidly funny as if this was what he always was meant to do.