Was a really good time. I think I prefer Get It Together, but this was a really fun time and really utilized all of the 3DS’s tools. Was also cool to see old micro games redone for this game. A shame that it’s locked to the 3ds and came out so late in its lifespan, cause it’s great and deserves more recognition.

There's some fun gunplay here and some great movement. I enjoyed the aesthetics a lot in this title as well. Everything looked fantastic and felt great to play. However, I felt that the game's premise was a bit of a let down in the story department.

I felt that they could have made the visionaries more interesting. I also felt that Julianna being made a multiplayer option took away from her overall character and significance in the story (weird complaint, I know). The game had potential for a great story, but its dialogue is too concerned with making Colt funny instead of an interesting character.

Overall, I enjoyed Deathloop, but I don't see myself ever really returning to this title much unless some friends pick it up for some multiplayer hijinks. Even then though, I was honestly a little disappointed in this game. Kudos for those that are loving it though.

A great second chapter to the game. It’s a lot of the same from Chapter 1, but a little more refined and more elements of choice. Really can’t wait to see what Toby and his team come up with when the full game releases.

A truly fantastic 3d collectathon platformer. The art style is beautiful, the writing is witty and smartly written, and the characters are all memorable and wonderful through the entire run time. The combat could've been a bit better, but that doesn't hold this back from being one of the best releases of the year.

It lacks polish but it’s a very fun Smash clone. I wish there was a bit more to it, like some kind of story mode or extra gameplay modes, but it’s still surprisingly fun. With a few patches here and there and DLC, this could be a very fun Smash clone

Wasn’t the big GOTY contender I wanted it to be, but it was still a great time. It wasn’t as great as SMB2, but it has some great levels, a kickass soundtrack, and a great cast of characters. I just wish some more effort went into the cutscenes and minigames.

Phenomenal experience from beginning to end. This is my real first Metroid experience and it did not disappoint. This is a GOTY contender for sure, the first big one I’ve played this year. Go buy this game NOW.

While some of the picks aren't my personal cup of tea, I thought this fighters pass covered anything and everything that a fan of Smash could want.

On a personal note, I got my most wanted character in Sora, as well as Sephiroth, so I really can't complain. Even characters I wasn't very hyped for, such as Min Min or Pyra/Mythra, are very unique and fun to play.

A definitive Mario Party experience alongside 2 and 6. While I hope they add more boards, characters, and mini games as either free updates or DLC, I enjoy the package we get here. As a huge fan of this series from childhood, I am having an absolute blast with this game both alone and with friends.

Went back to experience this one after loving Dread. The controls were a bit rough, but other than that, this was an amazing experience. Its incredible how fast Nintendo got the formula right so early in the series' history. Can't believe I went this long without experiencing this amazing series.

A very solid game. Controls felt very snappy and traversal was a great delight. Nintendo did a great job at transforming an NES game into a more “modern” feeling game.

That being said, I did feel that the game still suffered from a bit of “NES BS” here and there, especially toward the latter half of the game. The added epilogue was cool but felt disjointed from the rest of the experience as well.

There’s so much I love here, and so much that I hate. It’s by far the Metroid game that leaves me the most conflicted.

On one hand, I love the atmosphere and change of locale. The presentation here was fantastic. Things look, sounds, and feel great and scary. Traversal and combat feel great, with Samus feeling as great to control as ever.

However, there are design choices that absolutely infuriate me. Most bosses feel incredibly cheap, like NES cheap. But the worst thing is how linear this game is. Metroid isn’t associated with linear gameplay. I never felt that I was truly exploring this space station. Sure, there are plenty of paths and secrets to find. But I never felt this I was discovering my path and what to do.

All and all, this is a good game. But nowhere near the best that this legendary series has to offer.

My second favorite entry in the franchise. It has some absolutely incredible writing, as well as the most lovable cast of characters since the original trilogy. This game does everything right in every way for an Ace Attorney game, and is a must play title for any fan of the franchise.

A great collection of two amazing games that are really meant to be played back-to-back. These games show what make Ace Attorney such a special franchise. Without a doubt, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles has my favorite story of the year, and possibly in the entire AA franchise.

It's Halo, and it's a lot of fun. The only real complaints I have are with the monetization of the game and extremely slow progression. But my god, this is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer FPS in a really long time.