As unique an experience as there is, you should give it a go regardless of your preferences. It might fall flat for a lot of people, but it's free and 45 minutes long so it's worth that gamble.

Loved the world and the story, great fun and pretty much polished to perfection. Didn't give GTA Online a go so can't comment on that part, but the singleplayer is worth the money alone.

It isn't a pleasant experience in the usual meaning of the phrase, but it's a game that should be played because of the message it conveys.

I just loved getting lost in the world, the scenery was unmatched at the time of release.


A brilliant gameplay loop, but it does get a bit samey towards the end. Maybe could've been trimmed down just a hair, but that shouldn't discourage anyone from giving it a shot.

A wonderful world to explore with challenging combat and a great art style. Starts off slow, I thought I'd get bored soon, but it has a way of drawing people in.

Really fun and creative, though lacking a bit in structure due to the open world. The sheer amount of moons to collect can feel a bit overwhelming at times.

Pretty much a perfect gaming experience, not a second of it is wasted, every single aspect polished to perfection.

A slightly more bloated experience than the first one. The humor is brilliant, loved the multiplayer, but the few parts where you pixel hunt for a patch to portal onto are tedious.

Main reason for getting the Switch and it definitely didn't disappoint. It's just a wonderful experience, every once in a while I get a craving to go back and just explore a bit more.

Didn't play it when it first came out, knew it by reputation, but assumed it didn't age well. I was pleasantly surprised, it's still brilliant, the quick time events are the only annoying part of an otherwise brilliant experience.