its pretty much just the bonus content from the first 4 BS F-zero games essentially mashed into a brand new cup, with one new course. Interesting stuff. If you wanna play the satellaview F-Zero games, just play this one, since it has all the new stuff in it.

Feels more like a training thing than a game, though I guess the point was to compete on the now-long-extinct satellaview leaderboards. The fact that they made new F-zero courses for this is cool though, will admit.

have you played breakers? well guess what you played breakers revenge too without even knowing it they just added literally one character why does this exist i played the same game twice

I guess this makes playing the original game obsolete????

fun to play but the AI cheats in singleplayer making it not very fun on your own. Would probably go hard with friends. In other words, it's a neo geo fighting game.

it was alright enough of a platformer. pretty slow though. artstyle is charming. using the turbo buttons to turn bonk into a gliding death ball is fun as hell. Not much else to say besides that, what you see is what you get, relaxed caveman platformer. Probably one of the better PC engine platformers, but I haven't really played enough to get a proper sense of perspective when it comes to those.

god I love this game. It's a fun 2-player co-op stealth(?) action game where you get the stuff in the building and escape via the getaway blimp without dying. Levels are well designed, the visuals are stylized and interesting, the OST bumps, it's just a good time. My only complaint is 9 levels for this just aint enough, it's too short.

Definitely plain compared to some other titles but this was my gateway drug into the fun that is multiplayer bomberman so I can't hate it. There's 8 player matches that use both the top and bottom screens, and while there's no dedicated single player content outside of just playing with bots, bomberman single player is kinda mid anyways so not too big a loss imo. Definitely something I look back fondly over, but yea its not really practical to go back to considering there are better bomberman games out there to play with friends.

damn. Another game I desperately wanted to like off of vibes, but the gameplay just didn't do it for me. The game has gone less from the captain-toad styled room-based puzzle platformer gameplay of the first bomberman 64 to instead be more action focused, with rooms having fixed camera angles, bombs that function more like the traditional bomberman + shapes rather than round explosions, and many rooms that require all the enemies to be destroyed before bomberman can proceed. There were some interesting ideas done here for sure though. Elemental bombs allow for unique puzzles to be created for each room where your bombs can manipulate the environment around you, and the story is much more cinematic and deep than I was expecting. Pommy is also cute too, and allows the player to raise and evolve the lil dude as the game progresses, which is neat. The biggest problem however is just the level design. Levels are excruciatingly long, usually 45 minutes to an hour each, and there are extremely few checkpoints which means whenever you die you usually lose a substantial amount of progress. There is also for some reason a limited continue system for keeping your power-ups which creates a lot of moments where you can respawn completely underprepared, which isn't fun. Levels also have an unnecessary amount of combat thrown into them where enemies take way too many bombs to kill. Everything feels painfully slow. The game isn't hard or bad, it is just annoying and slow. Maybe try it and see if you can see something I'm not, but I personally just couldn't vibe with this, which sucks because I really wanted to. :c

Neat lil N64 puzzle platformer. Despite being hella older, this game def reminds me of captain toad in how you can't jump and rotate a camera around small areas to find things. You can also use the bombs to solve puzzles and get collectables which is neat. The game has collectibles in the form of golden cards that you can find by doing various things, yet it seemed like the conditions you have to fill to get the cards are a bit arbitrary and obscure so break out that guide if you want to get that true ending. I didn't bother with the card hunt and got the bad ending but who knows maybe I'll come back to this and finish what I started. All in all, the vibes are good, musics good, visuals are fun and colorful, overall a rather pleasant lil time.

comfy albiet unremarkable lil platformer. reminds me of alex kidd for some reason. not really much else to say beyond that ngl

The game isn't that fun to play, the controls are sluggish and the camera is unhelpful, as a lot of games from this time period are. However despite that the game has a ton of charm to it in its dialog and presentation that I can't REALLY hate it. I definitely can't reccomend it to everyone, but it is definitely something you should check out if you are into some cheese and can tolerate its age

One bad game design decision over the other, with no end in sight. Theres a dumb flip jump that needs a strange input to pull off that sometimes misfires unintentionally leading to lots of deaths. The power-ups are obtained through a strange puzzle-like "match 3" gimmick rather than just being easily obtainable items. In theory, Blinx only has one hit point, but health is done through a rewind mechanic where the game will rewind you right before you get hit, which in a lot of instances, will just have the enemy hit you again anyways due to not having the right resources to deal with it. The game focuses a lot on combat with levels only being clearable once all the enemies are found and defeated, but blinxs movement and moveset are so unsuitable for combat that it makes clearling levels a task of frustration. I wanted to like this game a whole lot as I like the concept and design of blinx, but I can't in good heart say I had a very good time playing much of any of this, even despite the fact that visually the game looks cool, and the music slaps. I heard the "Platinum hits" version of the game has major difficulty tweaks to make the game less frustrating, but that's not the version I own so what I experienced was very not fun

honestly a legitimate improvement over the first game overall, but they really kinda overcorrected and made a bunch of different problems trying to fix the existing ones... instead of being too hard, its too easy. theres so much streamlining throughout the entire game as well as the game constantly telling you exactly what you need to do that even though the game is no longer frustrating and it is more mechanically solid, its now a lot more boring because it holds your hand the whole game.

I'll definitely give this game more props than the first in terms of single player content; this game has a story that is actually comprehendable. The new characters were also really fun both in the VN sections watching them interact with the story as well as how they play as fighting game characters. Glad I decided to play this on vita instead, since I feel like the VN style plot of blazblue fits handhelds better.

the characters were fun to play as but the plot sucks and the story was dragged out WAYYYYYY too much. The plot is told like both sonic-adventure-style, where its multiple characters' different perspectives on the same period of events but also it isn't that at all and its confusing and makes no sense whatsoever. More VN than fighting game in a single player context imo. I'm sure the multiplayer was fun when it was new but nowadays I don't think theres a lot of reasons to play this with pals over central fiction. Even if I didn't really understand what was actually going on, at least the characters were kinda cool to see interacting with one another and the world was kinda interesting?