Coming off the first one! I would say that this game didn’t live up to the hype. I guess the gameplay is slightly better, but that’s a given. I found this one boring in both aesthetics and music, compared to the first game.

I've only played the DSiWare port, and I fell in love with this game! I've heard that the DS version has more content, but I decided to pick the DSi version so that I have more DSi variety of games. Nonetheless, this game is awesome!

The gameplay is quite good for the first Castlevania game on the NES! The difficulty, however, is too high, which prevents me from completing this game.

My favorite video game of all-time! Can't wait for the remake to come out!

This game is quite fun, but I am terrible at it.

It's probably one of the only NES games I can play over and over again, alongside Kirby's Adventure and Super Mario Bros. I would say that NES games in general are not the highest of quality with their library but it's still a great game!

I cannot understand the appeal of this game! The controls are not that good which is unfortunate because the concept of Kirby having a racing game is so awesome to see!

It is a good first Mario RPG, but the remake just fixes most of what I dislike about this version. So, if I want to replay this game, I will replay the Switch remaster.

One of the earliest Mario Karts out there! It doesn't age as well as the later Mario Kart games, heck even F-Zero X aged better than this game.

First Mario Kart entry that also became one of the most revolutionary Nintendo franchises of all time! Despite its revolutionary success, it doesn't age well, especially when later Mario Kart games improved everything from this game.

Awesome fighting game on the Super Nintendo! Not much else to say about it though.

I don't understand the hype of Mega Man games! It plays well but I can't get into it deeply.

An okay shooter game on the NES! Never felt like playing it more than once. As an arcade game it can be quite fun with friends at times though.