Easily the most fun I've had hitting zombies in the head with golf balls.

Beat the whole game just in case it got better.
It didn't.

Wake me up when one of these drops at the Cesar's Palace

The job system is GOATed, the story isn't but it doesn't matter because it's one of those RPGs that actually fun to play all the way through.

Best time to play this game is now. The second best time to play it is like 2 years from now just in case there's more DLC and updates.

The slightly overcooked corn on the cob of rougelikes.

The fried chicken sandwich of rougelikes. If you know you know.

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Drop kicking zombies is fun. QTE final boss is not fun.


I put 35 hours into this in one week and then immediately forgot about it.

Will you ever reach the highs of fuckin SLAMMING a dude into the ground and finishing them with a super? Probably. But will you ever get to do it as GOKU?

When I get to play this on my deathbed in 2082 you'll see, you'll ALL see.

You've already put 500 hours into Stardew. Now get ready for Stardew but with good pixel art!

I don't like deckbuilding games very much.

Went CRAZY on my laptop in the community college computer science shared study room.