Please don't design a main character as hideous and blank as BJ and then make me watch him fuck.

Some real bright spots in there but not sustained/too many puzzles that were make-work and not about unravelling a mystery actually connected to the plot (eg: tallying people's scores in this weird political system that isn't substantially constructed enough to warrant that amount of time spent on it. I don't care if the math is easy, that makes it even more boring). And some of the time consuming design around how you shift documents/drag names into place/have to click on highlighted meaningless objects LA Noire style, feel like they're there to pad out the playtime. It's an "ok" for me.

A great example of a game that fucks up on the simple stuff and makes me hate it. Just moving through the castle is torture. Having to walk to the edge of the screen in every room over and over again at your stupid, leisurely monarch pace. I feel like game-makers get let off the hook way to easy for this shit. Mechanically there's nothing interesting going on and no effort to connect mechanics w content. This is core game shit imo. Played it a while ago and probably had more concrete complaints then but I don't remember them.

When the game starts you're already a strike-breaking Pinkerton who's committed acts of racial genocide yet somehow the twist of this game is you were a bad guy all along.

This whole era felt like it was written in the Pimp my Ride font, and this game is a big part of that.

it's nice to have a reminder that video games are for children

a game about how having a wife will only slow you down

A game written by people who can only write like how they post. Eternal, almost all-powerful beings who talk like terminally online twenty-somethings. A eulogy at a funeral where a mourner praises the deceased's "vibe". An ancient, demon who tells the protagonist he doesn't want to be "toxic" etc etc.
The first problem I have w this is the lack of imagination. The game can't imagine a cosmic eternity that doesn't reflect a work-from-home style existence (a witch who writes listicles for a galactic newspaper, eating weed brownies and ordering space takeout, etc.) And for a game striving to be political (I'm not talking about it's inclusiveness, but it literally culminating w electioneering) it reveals itself as being the same old lukewarm, middle-management, bureaucratic liberal muddle. It's middle class, it's symbols over substance, it drains the magic out of magic.
This extends to the ways the game twists itself into odd shapes to make sure every character can stay friends, can say "I love you" over and over. It wants to be positive, it wants to be affirming so badly that these characters not only feel unrecognizable, they're uncanny to the point of becoming nauseating. They all speak with the frozen smiles of HR office managers.
Then there's the way the consequences of your choices in the game can't remain consistent with themselves. They overlap in conflicting ways that undermine each other. This is not just poor foresight and poor design, it's more bad writing. In a game about writing! In a game about cause and effect! I actually can't imagine anything more embarrassing.
Then there's the problem of the cards themselves. Besides the artwork being underwhelming, the correlation between card types, elements and readings is vague and so difficult to play with in any robust way.
I get it, it's a vibes game for people who will eat up this aesthetic and this kind of virtue signally no matter what. But it tells on itself more than it thinks. In how, despite it's pretend idealism, it can't imagine a better future than what's currently in it's tumblr feed. Fantasy writing becoming the domain of deviantart and fanfic enthusiasts is so brutal and should be stopped but oh well, it's already too late.

I am 7 feet tall. 7"2 counting my mohawk. I skulk around a florida hotel looking for girls in bikinis to take pictures of. Why you ask? I can't quite remember. Either to pacify or to blackmail a horny road manager I'm dealing with, I can't remember which. It hardly matters to me. I'm simply a vessel for the BOARD, and I came here to do 2 things: heelflip grind Lenin's grave, and rep New Jersey till the day I fucking die. And guess what? I haven't stopped bleeding Red, White and Jersey for 1 second. Uh oh. Looks like time's up for you Mr Lenin ;)

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? I wanna give her a big kiss 🙈

You can't spell "murder" without "A B C".

One of the few games me and my brother played all the way through together as kids. Also the last time I ever thought Deadpool was cool.

The twist is Thomas had me with him right there the whole time.

I gave up on this immediately cause it seemed hard to learn (also the whole Cuba aesthetic thing is some bullshit, guarantee this game was developed in a less humane place than Cuba).
But I don't understand this whole thing of having micro-management sims be nominally about you being an all-powerful evil overlord. Like this Evil Genius game or whatever does it too. If I was really a Bond villain or an evil dictator the last thing I'd be doing is overseeing septic pipeline construction. I'd be throwing raw gazelle meat to my concubines while I polish my solid gold AK-47. The rest is for the lackeys. Give me a game the lets me blackmail the Queen into making Big Ben strike the melody of "La Marseillaise" or else I won't return her child slaves, that would be a more accurate sim experience imo.
Again I never got past the first 15min so maybe Tropico 4 is that game, in which case my bad.

Never met the king, never did it for him. I did it for myself.