The Dough minigame sucks but the rest are pretty good! Remixes are peak

Got all of the stars and fantastic status. Don’t feel like doing any of the side challenges

want to play rhythm heaven now

Amazing game, Remedy knocked this one out of the park. Will be there day 1 (well, I heard this had some bugs so maybe not) for everything they put out now.

Half a point off because the VA for Saga kept going British. Broke immersion too many times.

Will probably wait to do NG+ until the first or both DLC is out.

much better than Getting Over It. Make more maps!

Controls make it better than the GBA version, though not having a score on every level made it less challenging.

Rolled credits at 3h43m, will do the plus levels here instead of on GBA.

edit: full playtime at 7:17. Finished every level with the gold star. Not going to do the time trials anytime soon -- I enjoy this game but it's too much MvDK in a short period of time lol

not being able to skip the explanations was aggravating. beat the main story, not doing any extras


Wow, nearly perfect. Just missing a few achievements (I skipped the final boss lol) but I'll go back for them. Did all of the manual secrets and even the glyphs. So much fun -- I probably logged an extra 2 hours while offline just looking at screenshots I took, translating some of the page lore for fun.


Excellent, though some of the objections seemed a bit obtuse. Looking forward to playing this entire series at some point. Will probably continue on the HD collection since I'd rather play on my PC.

I just want to play Alan Wake 2 hurry up

meh didnt even care for the story

Normal / 7:48:42 (12:41 real time)

10/10 discovery let down by bad stealth sections. Also do not love horror games so this isn’t my favorite genre

edit: after spending another ~4hr 100%'ing the DLC, I actually maybe like the horror stuff more? At least now I know about it and know how to "win" at it.

Spanish dub was awesome


Man these Remedy games so far are like 6 or 7s by gameplay standards but like 9 and 10s on world building/lore. which I love but hopefully aw2 is a 9 on both fronts

gonna play the 2 DLCs soon, hopefully. probably won't do all of the side missions since I don't really find the gameplay that fun tbh