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jayish backloggd Peggle Deluxe

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jayish is now playing Final Fantasy X

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iv1632 followed podunk

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22 hrs ago

22 hrs ago

jayish reviewed Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
My feelings on Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions have been so tumultuous that I fear I won't be able to properly convey them, but let it be known that this game is insanely good. Everything about Tactics is purposeful. Even if I had ended up deciding that I didn't like it, it's so thoroughly successful it was in accomplishing everything that it had set out to do that I'd struggle to rate it any lower than at least a solid 4.5 stars. However, as it stands, thankfully, I had a great time playing it and an even greater time dissecting it as I tried to wrap my head around everything that I had just experienced. I would say for this alone that Tactics is a very, very worthwhile experience.

In terms of presentation. Final Fantasy Tactics really stands out. The designs and spritework are cute, as counteracted by the game's tone, and the cutscenes and voice acting in War of the Lions in particular are surprisingly well done. Needless to say, the soundtrack is great as well; there are some really strong pieces and a nice use of leitmotifs throughout. To pivot, suddenly, the gameplay is very satisfying. It's tough to get into, given how tight battles usually end up being, but I very much appreciated the challenge. There's a shit ton of optimization and customization that's really fun to get into- for me, at least- and exploit. While I was never not at risk, the slow progression from feeling as though I was barely scraping by to confidently planning around the enemy AI and disadvantageous positioning gave me an unparalleled rush. The first half of the game is likely the hardest and most tactically interesting, and I found it very rewarding down the line.

With everything else out of the way, all there is to talk about are the narrative aspects of Final Fantasy Tactics, in which I can confidently call it brilliant. The choices that Tactics makes in this department can sometimes feel unsatisfying and polarizing and dare I say that that's the point. This isn't to say that I would blame anyone for not enjoying them, but I'd be hard-pressed to call out Final Fantasy Tactics for doing everything right, thematically, on its end. I hesitate to call Tactics "grimdark" on account of its charm and moments of respite and hope, against all odds, but it certainly is bleak. All of the names, motivations, and allegiances can be hard to memorize and all blend together as political jargon. Even if it had me captivated, I struggle to refer to the story as fun, for a lack of better ways to put it, and that's okay. Once, I've wondered if it was possible to make an anti-war game "fun" while still maintaining its anti-war theming. Tactics as a game IS still fun, don't get me wrong, and referring to it as "anti-war" is both misleading and an understatement, but it will leave you feeling empty by the end nonetheless. The characters had gone through so much, strung along from plot point to plot point, with little payoff. To me, there's no greater sign of success than that.

This is all to say that Final Fantasy Tactics is an excellent game that may not be for everyone but that I highly recommend giving a shot nonetheless. War of the Lions is likely the best version with the most referenced localization through other official material, so give it a go if you're at all interested! It gives you a lot to chew on, at the very least, and that's the best thing a game could do for me.

22 hrs ago

1 day ago

crow_witch reviewed Tangle Tower
This was so so so much fun! Aside from a couple moments where I was unsure how to progress the story (when Doesn't this happen in a point and click?) I had an absolute blast. I loved Spears and Grimoire's banter and the animations continually delighted me. Excited to see more of them this year when Mermaid Mask comes out!

1 day ago

1 day ago

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