Yeah, this game is cool. Sephiroth is my goat...

this game is beautiful and the french horns go crazy

This is spoiler-free.
The Answer is a continuation of the story of Persona 3's 'The Journey' that I feel like was not entirely necessary but cleared a lot of things up.

The dungeon crawling part is pretty repetitive, especially at the start where EXP is scarce for some reason, so all the enemies are higher leveled than you. The difficulty is also way up in my opinion, to a point where it is often unfair (again, mostly in the first half).

The second half of the answer is where a lot more is revealed in terms of story - for the better. No spoilers, but Metis' involvement is entirely justified by the end of The Answer and it's a very good conclusion in my opinion.

There was a lot of sympathetic emotional moments throughout that caught me fighting tears again, although not to the same degree as the ending of The Journey in Persona 3 (still gets me choked up even after the closure in The Answer)

The second half is better than the first, and the characters have reasonable and realistic interactions based on their past experiences so its actually not a bad thing when they argue, i don't know why people thank that.

Overall it's very good, and I'd recommend anyone who needs further story after The Journey.

i love it, but we love katamari just about beats it i think

same as the old game - great music, atmosphere and gameplay. very fun game and a very good chillax sorta game. remastered graphics look magnificent

this game is beautiful
the music, atmosphere, gameplay
love it

like the gamecube version but runs at 15fps

full of charm but lacks in things to do

This review contains spoilers

I went into this game expecting it to be a less good version of Persona 4. It's worth noting I played with the party control mod on normal difficulty. I think this is better than Persona 4. You'll see why.

The first half of the game is the weaker point. The story does take a while to get going but when it starts around June-time in-game, it picks up a lot. Even in the first half of the game there is a lot of character interaction and mysteries laid out so that you can keep invested in the game.

Tartarus, the main grinding spot of the game, is not as bad as some make it out to be. I don't see much difference between it and Persona 4's dungeons in terms of structure. Overall, I thought it was a good 'dungeon' (being the only one).

The second half I would really split into two parts. The first part from June-time to October-time is when the story starts really building. Strega is introduced, who wish to stop the team from destroying the Dark Hour. You get the death of Shinji, which was a very sad moment that I'm sure everyone at least teared up at. he was my glorious GOAT, and it gives you a reason to really dislike Strega.

From November to the end of the game, the game is just a complete fucking masterpiece. The buildup before the arrival of Ryoji is perfect, and while his character may be a bit underdeveloped, by the time it comes to decide whether to kill him or to let him live its a seriously 'butterflies in your stomach' experience. After that event, during January, all of the music themes change to be more sombre. All of these songs are amazing.

Speaking of the soundtrack, its fantastic. battle theme highlights are master of shadow, mass destruction, Nyx's battle theme and Strega's battle theme. The sombre songs that play later on in the game ('memories of 'x'') are fantastic, especially memories of the city.

The characters are all amazing (bar like Ken or Ikutsuki) and they all develop with the story, unlike in Persona 4 where all of the characters develop in their social links and then don't develop any further through the main story. Highlights include Junpei (his arc with Chidori was absolutely fucking fantastic), Aigis (which I will get to why...), Fuuka (wholesome and well written), and Shinji (dark and mysterious character but actually good and interesting). The characters and character interactions are fucking amazing and they blow Persona 4 out of the water in terms of development.

But as for the final fight, its a really unique final boss and I very much enjoyed fighting it, especially with the kick-ass music holy fuck. The boss is quite long but the mechanics of the fight including Nyx changing arcanas make it much more engaging and makes the boss feel a lot less like a 'damage sponge'.

As for the ending, bro I seriously cannot get over the ending in this game it is so unbelievably sad and amazing at the same time. I finished the game and then it hit me that the move you use at the end of the game is you sacrificing yourself to seal Nyx away.

... Made me sad enough.

I then later realised during the credits that you were implied to die after being with Aigis as you had promised to spend time with your friends again after it was all over.

...Made me cry.

Then I learned after reading the English lyrics for the credits that the song in the credits was from Aigis' point of view reminiscing about you.

...That really did it for me. I can't even listen to that credits theme now without tearing up. It's that significant.

Fantastic game overall. After Aigis is introduced, I think this might be my favourite story in a game of all time. It's not about the gameplay or the tactics for me, the story that was told was so beautifully done. My favourite game.

better than s&k but still incomplete without it

less good half of sonic 3&k