On my first playthrough of this game in 2020, I died on a loading point halfway through the game and my save was corrupted, a one off glitch no one else online had ever encountered. That was a shame because upon revisiting it in 2022, this game kicks ass.

It really does suck that such a great campaign is tacked onto a game with a fanbase of almost all multiplayer gamers. Infinite warfare has some of the best worldbuilding in all of gaming, in the same tier as games like mass effect and halo. I loved taking my time to explore each environment and take in my surroundings. A personal favourite of mine was the lunar airport/spaceport, which was littered with exhibits about human achievement in spaceflight.

This game really did feel like mass effect 1, just with more focus on gunplay than story. The settings of each level are beautiful, and as someone who is obsessed with astronomy, all scientifically accurate. I know that sounds lame but this really got me immersed in the game.

Would 100% reccommend

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I thought this game was ok. I enjoyed some of the story (the highlight for me being the nuclear blast and the Chernobyl mission), this game was held back for me by the stupid decision to constantly spawn enemies until you progress.

I like taking things slow sometimes, but you're not allowed to take a relaxed playstyle in COD4. Holding back to pick off enemies with a long range rifle just results in more enemies spawing to take their place. This forces the player into a more run and gun playstyle, I found myself charging into hordes of stupid ai soldiers over and over again, because I knew if I got to a certain point I would activate a trigger to stop enemies from spawing.

I would recommend playing this game to experience the modern warfare story, the gunplay is still excellent, the story is fine, but this remaster should have done more to fix gameplay issues from the original.

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I've never played the COD campaigns as a kid, so coming from a more objective perspective, I thought this game was pretty good. I know war torn America has been done to death with COD, but I thought it was very fresh in this game.

Some of my the missions I enjoyed the most were Burgertown, The white house, and the prison.

Overall would reccomend

The best flash game. No microtransactions, just pure fun.

As someone who is coming from portal 2, the levels are similar, but the story, characters and humor are not as great as it's sequel. I played this for a bit but eventually put it down. I can respect it as the first game in the series but there wasn't enough substance to keep me coming back.

Inside is a fun game, but people who say the story is this amazing dystopian work probably haven't experienced that much dystopia in fiction. The themes of surveillance and control are very surface level, and rarely go beyond something to set atmosphere.

The problem is that it is hard to tell a piece of dystopian fiction with no dialogue, text and a small 2.5D world. For a hypothetical writer working on a game with the same style and mechanics as inside, there is a huge bottleneck in how much information you can actually convey throughout the world.

I will say the platforming was interesting, the animation was well done, and it held my attention to the end. But beyond that inside is just another 2.5D platformer with a dystopian coat of paint on top of it. It is still very much worth playing, but it didn't convey emotion in the way a good piece of art should.

Rocket league is fun, but it suffers from a steep learning curve which can be disheartening for new players, and fatal to the enjoyment of playing with friends.

This game is literally perfect and still looks amazing even today. If you haven't played Galaxy 2, you are missing out. It doesn't matter who you are, you will like this game.

The gameplay goes hard, nuff said. The best game to play with non-gamers (even more than wii sports).

Aside from that, I really wish the music could have incorporated more big band jazz, or just be more catchy in general. Sure you got your Dolphin Shoals and your Mount Wario, which are awesome, but it should have more. Even the SNES Mario kart has a larger variety of memorable music. I feel like this game could have been a perfect 5 if they had tried to make it a little less generic.

Nintendo probably will never flesh out online in their games, even if we are paying for it. IMO the only thing that could change that is if there is a major shake up in the upper management of the company. MK8D online is barebones, and can be very laggy if you get matched up with the wrong people.

I am very excited for the new courses and hope that these will fix some of the style problems mentioned previously.

Listen, I hear people going on nonstop about how great the MGS franchise is, and I desperately want to like it as well. Unfortunately MGS1 just doesn't grab me.

I have played about 4 hrs of this game on several different systems and the clunky controls and slow pacing really bring it down. I don't normally care about graphics, but the unfiltered ps1 textures are bad enough where they start to pull me out of the game.

You'd think then that the story would maybe carry this game, kind of like ME1, but not really. I've learned that kojima games often have very convoluted stories, and while that may be appealing to some people, I am not one of these people.

If this game ever gets the FFVII remake treatment I will be very excited to try it agian, but for now I am putting this game down.

TLDR: I don't hate CD Projekt Red and I am eagerly awaiting for the day this game is finished.

I bought this game day 1, and put it down after about 7 hrs. I don't have a hate boner for this game or the developers. What I will say is yes, at launch this game had horrible bugs even on PC, but it differes from your standard ubisoft open world affair in a major way. With something like WATCH_DOGS, the bugs stem from a lack of care from the developers. They finished their game as quick as possible and pushed it out the door.

With CD Projekt Red, these guys spent 7 years working on Cyberpunk, and while I'm sure that they didn't actually spend 7 years in full production, it still goes to show that they never intended to ship an unfinished product.

Underneath the glitches and bugs, the creative vision of the world is palpable. The universe feels lived in the same way that Star Wars, Trek, or Mass Effect does. The characters really do feel like real people, even the NPCs. The map feels huge and it just keeps going, not just in size but in detail. You'll go into an out of the way area thinking it's just going to be set dressing. You would be right for an ubisoft game, but nope, the detail is there in Cyberpunk.

When this game is finished, and the bugs are fixed, I'm sure it will be regarded in a similar light to No Mans Sky or Battlefront 2. When this game relaunches on PS5 & XSX I will take another look at the PC version and formulate my opinions from that.

This game is directly responsible for my career

One of the best OSTs in all of gaming

The sands of time have not been kind to this games mechanics. Just go play mario

It's 3D mario, but these lazy buisiness practices are not something we should be encouraging.