Fun first person stealth game! Mechanics are satisfying and story is interesting. The AI can act very strangely at times which can be frustrating. Apart from this, I really enjoyed this game.

Fun game and cool concept. The game shines in the uniqueness of its gameplay. Cutscenes are awkward, the story is forgettable, and the voice acting + character designs are unappealing. Enjoyable for people who like games with emphasis on movement.

Boring, overrated, stupid. Felt genuine joy to watch this game die out.

Games a bop, play it. It is easier than other FromSoftware games, but still has a lot of amazing challenges that remind us why we love souls games. The world is beautiful and vast, though repeat bosses and dungeons can break immersion, especially after you run into a magma wyrm that's been crammed into an arena half the size of its original one as filler for a random dungeon as if they expect the fight to function the same way. That being said, it's because the rest of the game is so fun that you begin to pick up on the very few things it does poorly. Wholeheartedly recommend as a starting point for people who haven't played/enjoyed the previous Dark Souls games (I know it's not a Dark Souls game but yes it is lol).

This game is so much fun. The concept is awesome, the gameplay is awesome, the game is challenging but not as unfair as I feel rogue-like games can be sometimes. Beware, this game is extremely challenging and will require a time investment in order to enjoy to the fullest, especially if you are unfamiliar with bullet hell games. The game is humorous and polished. The game is packed with content, variety, and endless new experiences. I am not a fan of rogue-like games generally, but this game was the exception to the rule.

Amazing game. Allows for creativity and exploration while fostering a sense of direction and adventure!

Boring game, don't bother. Had to force myself through this one, it just isn't unique or interesting in any way.

My favorite zombie shooter. It doesn't take itself too seriously, has extremely satisfying weapons and classes, and can pose a legitimate challenge. Best enjoyed with friends.

Better graphics and gameplay than the original. Star Killer still isn't the most compelling protagonist, but he gets the job done. Short and sweet, must play if you enjoyed the first game.

Badass game. Boring story but gameplay compensates 2x over. Plus the cover art is really cool


The SOMA rabbit hole of a story is one worth exploring. This game is terrifying, beautiful, fascinating, and fun. This game was the most fun I've ever had in the horror genre. I recommend this experience wholeheartedly.

Click heavy game, my fingers hurt from playing. I got entertainment from it as a kid but can't enjoy it due to fairly repetitive combat and unsatisfying controls.

I used to love this game, it had a lot of potential as a fast paced first person shooter. Sad it was abandoned. The game is okay and still has a small committed community but is unlikely to appeal to people who didn't play it before release.

Fun bite sized game. The music is phenomenal and the gameplay is satisfying. I was a little underwhelmed by the games narrative and I felt that some of the diversity in weapons was lacking (melee weapons especially, they all function very similarly). The game is worth playing, especially if you are a fan of the Miami aesthetic.

I loved the game as a young kid. It delivers as a solid Star Wars game. While I can't vouch for it for people who don't already like Star Wars, it's definitely worth playing for fans of the franchise who are interested in experiencing a rather unique Star Wars story.