we truly do live in a society

Classic brutally difficult arcade era action games meets dark souls' try try again formula for some of the most brutally fun modern videogaming.

that last boss can kick my ass any day of the week AND the weekend

there were things about it I wasn't crazy about, but also some fun ideas. Definitely feels like this game had like a week or two in the spotlight and then just disappeared though

pretty great tower defense/strategy RPG game, the story is bonkers on some alternate history shit and the characters are very cool. When I first got into it I got super hooked and was playing nearly daily, but nowadays I've chilled out a bit and usually just log in when I feel like it.

Some things working against the game: gacha mechanics like limited operators make it a bit of a hard sell, and it's also using a live service model, and as with pretty much every live service game there's no offline client and as far as we know, no real contingency if the game ever becomes unprofitable enough that servers shutting down would enter the conversation, which is something that generally makes me wary regardless of how successful the game may be.

THE ps4 seller. This game's awesome.

Short and sweet overhead action/adventure game, it clocks in a length similar to Dragon Quest 1, where you can pretty reasonably play most, if not all of the main game in one sitting. Though, there's also a pretty interesting post-game that's worth digging into at least a little here.

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It has it's quirks, but most importantly
It's peak

Squid games‼️‼️‼️‼️

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Deepsea Metro clears hero mode, love how they shifted towards designing the stages around actual weapons and also the final stages are on some megaman wily stage shit and that rules so much

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I love RPGs and I loved playing this game! The story is filled with intrigue, there are some really great characters and the gameplay is fantastic; not huge on drawing direct comparisons but think dragon quest with some sci-fi thrown in, a burst mechanic for good measure and a dash of some final fantasy-esque party building. It feels like the perfect follow-up to Xenogears in many regards, there are even mechs that you can have the party jump into, but compared to gears it feels like the big robots kinda take the back seat in this one, even with some expansive changes to the system in Saga.

In terms of potential shortcomings, Saga EP 1 is very quiet. The soundtrack is pretty small, and there are often long stretches of game with nothing but ambient noise and the (very good!) battle theme. But, with that being said when the rest of the soundtrack does kick in, it's fantastic and used well, with only really one example of a song that sometimes feels like its overstaying its welcome. That aside, there isn't a moment where the music doesn't fit what's going on, and it really strengthens what's happening with its presence.

Overall, its great! Xenosaga Ep 1 gets my glowing recommendation.

Also, KOS-MOS is cute. love me a mysterious murder android with messiah-analogue jumpscares