65 Reviews liked by krlux

start with a bjørn, end up as a intergalactic dictatorial race

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She was a true patriot...

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Snake Eater is an amazing game in every sense of the word, I'll start with that. Everything was handled brilliantly by Kojima and his team, from the tiniest details of the gameplay to the game's story as a whole. Stylistically the game differs itself from its predecessors by changing the aesthetic completely. The new survival aspects really put the “Tactical” into “Tactical Espionage Action”.

Snake’s relationship with The Boss, his mentor and almost mother-like figure, is the center of the game’s whole narrative. Snake Eater is a story about loyalty and patriotism and how these virtues can tear one apart. Big Boss is forced to kill The Boss, giving up his honor and soul for the sake of his country. This is the same country guilty of tarnishing The Boss’ legacy, someone who has also given everything and more to protect it. The game’s ending is a cynical one in which Snake sees that the country he’s given everything to protect is run by people who view people (and their sacrifices) as nothing more than pieces on a board. They praise and reward Big Boss for accomplishing his mission while forever condemning The Boss for doing the same, it doesn’t make any sense. This ending makes it easy to see why BB eventually leaves the US military and goes on to form Outer Heaven, a place where soldiers are not treated as weapons and expendable pieces but as people.

I think the game’s theme of what it means to be a soldier parallels Solid Snake’s and Raiden’s journey in the previous game(s) pretty nicely. Snake Eater was about “loyalty to the end” and following your country almost blindly, always putting the mission first. Ultimately, we saw how this “soldier” mindset affected Snake and The Boss. MGS 1 and 2’s main message is about choosing for yourself what you want to believe in and “being loyal to what matters” as Arthur Morgan would say.

What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!
I give my life
Not for honor, but for you
Snake eater
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you
Snake eater
I'm still in a dream, snake eater!
Someday you go through the rain
Someday you feed on a tree frog
This ordeal, the trial to survive
For the day we see new life! I give my life
Not for honor, but for you
Snake eater
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you
Snake eater
I'm still in a dream, snake eater!

Um puta game foda pra caralho com mecanicas incriveis, antigo pa carai mas um jogo perfeito, te amo HIDEO KOJIMA

The title is a lie, you die more than twice.

In many ways this game is kinda a mess. The game is almost more cutscene then gameplay, the tone is ridiculously heavy, it retcons and completely skips setups from previous entries and tries to tie the convoluted plot of Metal Gear Solid all up in a neat wrap up. And maybe I'm crazy, but I love every goddamn minute of it! Back in the day I asked for a PS3 just to play this game and I've never regretted it. It was the first game that made me cry.

bah, é pra chorar.

Quero começar dizendo que este jogo melhora e muito o gameplay visto no 3, o stealth agora tendo ainda mais possibilidades de camuflagem, o gameplay das armas se tornou mais padronizado a jogos atuais, mas que nem de longe deixa de ser uma mecanica com certa profundidade.

Entretanto, uma reclamação que tenho e talvez seja de fato seu maior ponto negativo, é sua exploração de cenarios quase inexistentes, o sentimento de linearidade aqui fica demasiadamente mais forte.

Mas claro outro elogio que não poderia faltar é a sua narrativa que nem de longe é perfeita, mas que traz um final que sim é perfeito, uma conclusão digna ao seu protagonista solid snake, melancolicamente esperançoso.

this is like if video games were awesome

Despite being a fan of Mario Kart, I only ever played the newer games (DS and onwards). I never touched anything that came before, and that's like half of the games. While I'd still like to play 64, Super Circuit and Double Dash, I figured I'd play the game that started it all. My dad used to reminisce on how he loved playing this game with his friends back in the day, so I figured it would be a fun time. Sadly, I was mistaken as I found it to be kinda sucky.

I'll start with the good parts though. The game's visuals are pretty nice even if the mode 7 can be sort of weird on certain stages. In general though it's nice and colorful and looks good for a SNES game. The ost is also decent with some really solid tracks here and there. I also found the first cup to be alright course-wise even if I ended up only getting 2nd place.

That's it for the positives however, because as a whole this game is just unfun. I said the first cup was alright course-wise and while that's true, I still had an issue with the controls while playing through it. This game is so slippery, if you bump into anything you go flying. The drift feels so loose and is tricky to use, so you'd wanna use it as little as possible. However a good majority of the courses have so many sharp turns in them, you're forced to use the drift. That plus the bumping everywhere aspect just make's it super frustrating to play.

That's not even getting into the CPU's that actively cheat by just having stars whenever they want. I played on 100cc and they were brutal, I'm surprised I was able to get 2nd in the first cup. Once I got to the 2nd cup, I lost halfway through and because I wasn't having much fun to begin with, I just decided to play through the rest of the courses on time trial mode. You can't even unlock special mode until you beat the first three cups on 100cc, which I just said screw that. Oh also the courses are lame for the most part in terms of theming cuz, with the exception of Rainbow Road, they repeat two to three times each (with Mario circuit appearing a whopping four times) and just feel so samey.

Sadly I wasn't able to enjoy this like I thought I did and I think I'm maybe being a bit generous with giving it a 4/10 cuz I really did not have fun. Rainbow Road having an absolute banger song may be why I am not rating it any lower idk lol. Now I'm worried for Mario Kart 64 even tho I've heard good things about it.


O gameplay evoluiu de forma considerável, torna toda a mecanica espionagem algo ainda mais prazeroso e que requer mais cautela do jogador.

Mas sem sombras de duvidas o maior exito desse jogo esta em sua narrativa e escrita, meu Deus como pode ser tão bom, é top narrativas de jogos de todos os tempos, perto da reta final são tantas coisas sendo reveladas e tudo fazendo mais e mais sentido que chega ser assustador, o uso de cutcenes que ja era forte no primeiro jogo aqui pode ser ainda mais abrangente.

Não tenho o que reclamar, eu simplesmente amei este jogo com todas as minhas forças.

And to think, I thought I was done with Celeste this month. I heard this got released yesterday, and it's free, so I had to go and play it. For only being made in a week, this is very impressive. Celeste transitions surprisingly well into 3D. You lose your upward dash in this game but everything else is here. Yes even your grab which I stupidly didn't realize was a thing until 2/3rds into my playthrough. Once I did, it definitely clicked way more since I was infinitely wall-jumping to do stuff before I learned grabbing was part of her moveset. I really like the implementation of the camera and it having a big part with the various puzzles. The early 3D atmosphere was also really nice. It never got crazy difficult like Celeste but what was here was fun. It's only like an hour long so there really isn't much content, but this could be a good stepping stone into something greater. Either way, fun game..just wish it was longer.

Also, I got all 30 strawberries, that last cassette tape under Badeline was definitely the hardest part of the game but it was very cool.

The short message me incomodou bastante.
Infelizmente sinto que a franquia tomou um rumo completamente deturpado do caminho que seguia, e short message vai justamente nessa direção completamente rasa e paia da obra.
Não que eu ache o jogo completamente ruim, tem seus pontos positivos, mas para um comeback que supostamente mostra os próximos passos da franquia, é de se ficar desesperançoso.