See, Bethesda? This is how you make a story based game.

Cool arcade horror to play with your GF

I loved JC3 so I preordered this. Jesus, what a mistake. I even bought the DLCs as well but lost the appetite to play them. No more DCLs for me.

Underrated. Needs a longer PS5 sequel or remake. Later edit: in 2023 it still looks badass. We need more stuff like this. Incredibly well written lore! Went back to platinum it after more than 4 years, lol.

I wasted more than 2 good years of my life on this game. I had a lot of great moments and a lot of lousy ones. It was the first online multiplayer game I really got into. It just became too much. Characters getting too woke and too many of them, too many guns, maps getting too big. And too much wasted time. I'm sticking only to single player after this.

It seems I just got bored with it.

From the trophy data it seems we finished the story after almost on year. No wonder I can't remember anything about this game.

I couldn't get into the multiplayer part, which is awkward, because that's why seemingly everyone is playing this game. The single-player part was genuinely great though, great characters and a great way to split the narrative 3 ways. I'm afraid the success of the online GTAV will just encourage Rockstar to do the same over and over.

i just played it because i bought the gun for the psvr...

Most underrated game on PS4? Maybe. My first platinum? Definitely. Loved it. Doesn't need a remake.

Maybe the best of the series, it's all downhill from here.

Lower res graphics than the first two entries, but smoother gameplay. Loved the gun variety. The story is meh.