In terms of lore this is probably the best game but terms of gameplay this is definitely the worst. On some of the cameras it’s really hard to spot Springtrap because he’s either hiding on the edge of the field of view or he’s hiding in the darkness. Since his spawn point and route to the office is also RNG, it’s really difficult to devise a strategy against him. On the later night it’s also really hard to try and keep him in one place, especially due to how frequently the errors occur. The Phantoms are ok to deal with but Springtrap is just a massive pain because there is too much you need to do in this game. Also I don’t know how anyone was able to find out how to get the true ending, because not only do you need to find very vague clues in the mini games to know how to activate secret mini games, you have to do very specific things in the secret mini games on each night in order to get the true ending. There’s also nothing different about the true ending other than the implications that you freed the souls of the children from the animatronics. So far I would say this is the first bad FNAF game.

Kind of annoying that this is part of the main story and costs extra. But other then that it’s still just as incredible.

I don’t even watch anime and this game was absolutely amazing.

Pretty must just as good as the first game other then a few small additional problems. First of all, Balloon Boy. Since you don’t see him often he isn’t that big of a deal but when you do see him it’s a pain to try get rid of him while also worrying about Foxy and Puppet. I feel like if they took out either Balloon Boy, Puppet, or Mangle this game would be much easier. But I do quite like how difficult this game is, even if the RNG can come back to bite it a lot of the time. I also don’t really like how the animatronics coming from the front can disappear from the corridor and then reappear in your office a few seconds later, and since the time between being able to put up your mask to avoid a jumpscare is quite short, it does feel quite unfair at times. But as long as you always expect it you should be fine. Overall, a solid sequel though.

This is quite easily the worst game I have ever played. Garten of Banban III has more of a plot than this game. The plot here is practically non-existent, and any existing parts feel like they were recycled from the first game. Some of the bosses are cool in concept and design but all the fights in this game are either painfully easy or extremely tedious, boss or not. DMC3 better be as good as everyone says it is.

Very fun and stupid game to just mess around with. Me and my friend played it and actually beat as well by using very weird tactics. Sometimes all a game needs to be good is simple, fun gameplay.

I had put off playing these games for so long. I know a lot of people played them when they were little but up until know I thought the love that everyone had for this franchise was simply just childhood bias. From this first game I was able to see that they are still mostly right for me. It was quite scary, even if all the animatronics besides Foxy didn’t look it, though I guess you can’t exactly have terrifying animatronics at a children’s pizzeria. Though I’m not a fan of Freddy’s gameplay mechanics when the lights are on since unlike with Foxy you aren’t given any dialogue from Phone Guy to suggest how you counter him, so for him I had to look at a tutorial. This game is also very tense. So overall, solid game, but nowhere even remotely close to greatest horror game ever made.

I was put off playing this for a while because I thought it would be just as bad as Dead Space 3 if not worse, but i was genuinely surprised by how much better than the main campaign this was. It does still have a lot of flaws, like the unrealistic interactions between the characters and the weird crafting system is still there, but since you keep your weapons and crafting materials from your main game playthrough, and that means I was finally able to get the Disembowler, which was a really good weapon that was loyal to the Ripper. The hallucinations are a bit weird and unfair and just feel like they’re there just to lead up to the very cool final boss and also take down your health alot. But overall a pretty solid DLC and now I want there to be a Dead Space 4.

This is definitely the scariest game I’ve ever played. It manages to have a lot of jumpscares as well as a very creepy atmosphere. The ending sequence literally made me sweat and panic.

This is probably the scariest game I’ve played where you can fight back, despite having hardly any jumpscares. The combat is really tense as guns are very limited, and when you are walking around, you never really know when an enemy could run at you or what weapon they might have.

This game does have better characters than the first one, with Sinclair and the bond between Eleanor and Subject Delta, and Lamb is just as interesting a villain as Ryan and Fontaine. The hacking isn’t as fun and the combat doesn’t feel quite as fair. Overall though a very good sequel.

Just the first game, but more boring and more difficult. So much for loving the second one.

This game is so bad it actually frustrates me. It feels nothing like the first 3 games and the puzzles are impossible due to the lack of matches or oil in any of the rooms, so I just have to stumble around in the dark moving random objects and pressing random buttons.

I may as well review the last game I played before my Quest 2 broke a few months after I got and now I have to wait 2 weeks to get a replacement. Looking at the reviews for this game it would seem that almost everyone who has played it prefers Boneworks. I have not played Boneworks and cannot play it since it isn’t on the Quest 2. The first few missions of this game were top tier VR campaign missions. I absolutely loved the atmosphere and level design, being this dystopian and uncertain laboratory, with many surprises along the way. At this point the goal is unclear, but to me that’s a good thing. The soundtrack is also easily in my top 3 of any game ever, along with Doom: Eternal and Metal Gear Rising. For whatever reason I love the reload mechanic as I find it satisfying. The checkpoint system was a little scuffed and so were the puzzles but I didn’t really mind. This really was looking like it was going to be my new favourite VR game. That is until, I met the big radio man, and the game not only completely abandoned everything I loved about it, but also dropped it off a cliff, ran over it with a bus, and then set it on fire. It just completely jumped the shark and just went completely bonkers with everything, leaving its former self in an absolute wreck. The strong and fast missions were pretty cool, as at least they were somewhat loyal to what missions had come before, but the other 4 of these different body missions sucked, especially short and light. And even when I got back into the regular game, nothing felt the same having to switch between different people which was introduced for no plot purpose and only for an experiment with the game’s sandbox. From here on out, it feels like the environment was top priority, and what scraps of the story that were left were moulded in all sorts of ways to make sense of this trippy new setting, and I’m sure by the end, everyone will be furious with the direction they took things as it become less of a story and more of a test on the limits of Virtual Reality. The story was never really front and centre, but at least it was trying to be along with the action sequences, which even in the end game, we’re the stand out feature of the game. So if I hate the late campaign so much, then why have I given this a 5 star review. Well, after I beat the game, I went on to and downloaded some Bonelab mods and activated them through the Mobile VR Station, and that’s when things started to get really fun. I found so many cool weapon packs and vehicles, and even furries to kill in many ways. I still have yet to try some map mods, and when I get my replacement headset, I most certainly will. The mods and weapons are what make this my favourite VR game, despite there being many obvious flaws, but I feel in this case the pros massively outweigh the cons.

This is a surprising step up for the franchise. Sure, it could’ve maybe been a bit longer and the loading could’ve been less crap but other than than that this is much better then the previous 3 games, even though it was still not perfect by any means. I think it was a great idea to add Sherriff Toadster as a protagonist as he adds for more interesting sections in between the puzzles and scares. Those are two other strengths to this game. The puzzles are quite challenging but fun and feel new, and the characters of Bittergiggle and Kittysaurus had pretty scary sound design and visuals. I would also be lying if I said the starting chase didn’t catch me off guard a bit. It’s nice to have new characters mixed in with the old ones and the environment now feels like a lot more then just a research facility, allowing for more interactions with it. It’s quite obvious that the Euphoric Brothers put more time into this game, especially with things like the advanced plot and voice acting, and I hope they continue to do this with future instalments, even if I don’t think any of these games will turn out to be all-timers.