doesnt need to exist but its still good

somehow better than heroes even though you have to play it 10 times to see the true ending

i like the mission where you assassinate the president

one of the strongest art directions in all of games

just a joyful good time

this one's pretty good even if sonic team isnt good at 2d level design anymore

i will never forgive konami for not allowing this game to be called mgs5, too many people ignore this game bc of it

I missed the true ending and everything else that came after the first credits because i thought they were just bonus missions. I was very confused when i started ground zeroes

such a fun game, a blessing to the eyes and ears, my favorite fighter of all time. (only a little jojo fan bias)

capcom should get this license again

all star battle already leaned a bit heavy into fan service replacing fun gameplay, then this game says fuck you with even worse gameplay and more fan service

at least the story is silly

the super story mode in the playstation version has a lot of weird silly minigames and cutscenes. play it for the most unique adaptation of stardust crusaders

stupid fun for the entire ride

this doesnt really affect anything but everyone in this game is really fucking ugly i dont know why the face capture makes everyone so ugly in this game

just more of the original game with a winter themed map, and gameplay additions that make the combat and swinging more fun. story and characters were slightly more interesting too


probably sucks but it was the first time i played a pokemon game and im very nostalgic for it

I do love kalos's characters, locales and dex tho

i called nintendo support because i couldnt find the qr code to unlock metal mario in this game

i mean its not very good but its also not very long so um uhhhh

double it and give it to the next person