Decent picross game. RPG elements don't really add much for me though

Yay Picross! Solid entry as usual. Really appreciate the new count function in this one.

Not sure I'm particularly enjoying this... Humor is great, but the gameplay just feels bland and clunky. Not sure if the lack of VR on the Switch is the main issue or not. I might come back to it if I get a VR headset.

No rating since it's been too long since I last played it, but I remember this being a fairly decent turn-based RPG. Probably on the very easy side, but it was probably a very good introduction to RPGs for me as a kid.

No rating because I last played this as a kid, but I recall really enjoying how open this entry was. Really liked the bonus bean rooms, and how you got to switch characters who got to do different things. The lessons for the characters were pretty bonkers though.

Not giving it it a rating since the last time I played this ( the PC version) was when I was a kid, but I know I didn't play this as much as the first or third PC game. Really not sure why since I don't recall disliking anything in particular about it though.

I'm not sure I can give it a rating since the last time I played it was years and years ago, but as a kid I really enjoyed it. It can be pretty jank at times though, and Harry constantly yelling FLIPPENDO gets pretty grating fairly quickly. He does have a few different ways of saying flippendo thankfully, so it's not always the same sound clip, but I wish he didn't feel the need to shout it at the top of his lungs every time!

An incredibly silly and wacky game that is one of the best showcases of how to use the Wii's motion controls well.

So light and cheery and silly! Love how it looks and love the music and humor! Gameplay is mostly good, but I did have some troubles with the controls (including the camera).

This was a blast to play through. Love the interesting level designs and the overall look. Definitely one of my favourite Mario games.

Really obtuse to play (at least for me, who has little experience with old-school adventure games) so I quickly found a guide, but it was still interesting for me to play through. The best part about this is definitely all of the various death scenes.

Can be incredibly difficult at times, but overall was a blast to frantically try and save the patients. Story got interesting at times too. Also fun in co-op!

It's ok I guess. There are way better time-waster type games to play nowadays though.

More picross! Still good but really wish those huge extra puzzles had a zoom function or something. It can be incredibly difficult to read the numbers because they are super tiny.

Game was often fairly frustrating for me. I just couldn't figure out how to progress, so I quickly resorted to using a guide. Love the overall story and characters though!