really great zelda game in terms of story, characters, visual-style, and dungeon-design. the gameplay, however, isn't great. tends to drag especially towards the end of the game, the pacing slows down to a halt and the game forces you to backtrack to the same area like 2 or 3 times.

also the music is pretty good.

this game is what defines zelda to me, everything about it is perfect bar a couple weird things such as the camera/lack of intriguing side-quests. but the camera can be pinned down to the year it was released. it's unfortunate the 3DS remake didn't change the camera. the remake did however help the visuals tremendously, although some areas lack the vibe the original N64 version gave off.

very good game, but i found the side quests to be super convoluted. although when figured out, result in some of the best story-telling in zelda.

the music was incredible and i think majora's mask is the best possible outcome from re-using ocarina of time's engine/assets.

pretty good game, the overworld is dreadful though, worst zelda overworld by far; it's rewarding when you find something, but the journey is slow and tedious. the art style + music is phenomenal though.

fun game, drags slightly but more than makes up for it with its good dungeon design, fun characters (midna), and good plot.

the soundtrack is pretty good too.

super fun game, like a link to the past but more well-balanced. i think the soundtrack for this game is stronger too, but that's probably only because a link to the past's soundtrack has been remade a million times by now.

not sure if i played it incorrectly but the bosses seemed stupidly hard and the dungeons were sorta confusing.

the overworld portion of the game was really fun though - running around and collecting stuff and finding new secret ways around never got old.

seems like if the game was modernised slightly, it’d be a little less harder to play

really good game, leaves a bit to be desired in the dungeon portions of the game but fire nonetheless.