7 reviews liked by legendofretro

Just a simple and appealing rhythm game. That being said, it sort of works with how the show is presented: very simple, but cute and feel good. K-on was actually one of the first animes I had ever got into, so I have a bit of a personal attachment I suppose. I don't know man, I was really just sitting here doing every track with a smile on my face reliving some good memories I had with the show. Unfortunately, there is no fan translation, so a majority of the text is not readable, but the core game part you can still experience perfectly fine. I'd highly recommend if you like the show and just need some 2000's anime tie-in game nostalgia to vibe to for an afternoon.

Rhythm games fans be like:
Broooooooo, you don't get it brooo, if you played it at the Super Yakisoba Oppai 2.0 arcade machine in south-midwest-north-west Okinawa you'd like it.

"I wish Newgrounds was still relevant"

The first finger curls on the Monkey's Paw

I BLJ'd up the Capital's staircase on January 6th 2021

Custer walked so that hentai games on Steam could run.

basically what you want to do is take the base game and add as many mods as possible to make it less american. every time you see something american in the game you need to find a mod to get rid of it. i recommend this approach for all games, but this one especially.

a wEB Portal into a Clean World, the game closest to the warmth of God