Ace Attorney Games Ranked by Homoeroticness

None of these games actually have fully confirmed gay people in canon but the homoerotic vibes are undeniably strong. Just a list for fun. Vague spoilers for the games.

The original game is a very close second, featuring the world-famous Phoenix & Edgeworth pairing full of "unnecessary feelings" at the emotional core of the game as well as the "intellectual" attraction between Lana & Mia in the bonus case. This game is ridiculously gay, I love it.
A lot of straight romance in this game, but there's still some gay here. Edgeworth drops everything he's doing immediately and gets a private jet to visit a bedridden Phoenix as fast as possible in 3-5 and there's still quite a bit of gay dialogue between those two. I also sadly have to admit Armstrong is strongly gay coded even if I strongly despise his annoying ass and do not accept him as gay rep. Completely unrelated but Ron and Desiree are T4T and you can't change my mind.
More Phoenix & Edgeworth as part of the emotional core of the game, with Phoenix being so distraught by Edgeworth's disappearence he started hating him. Let's not forget Adrian & Celeste, which while certainly much more complicated than "lesbians" due to Adrian's condition, is still a very easy pairing.
With pairings like Rei & Susato, Kazuma & Ryunosuke, and Sholmes & Mikotoba (admittedly much more deniable), Takumi's latest entry is essentially gay propaganda. When you start the game you're literally faced with Rei calling Susato beautiful multiple times, even after the boymode disguise is seen through.
Klavier is such a bi icon for real.
The foundations of Ryunosuke & Kazuma. Those two are very gay.
Metis & Aura has a ridiculous amount of text supporting it and is an important aspect of the fifth case. And let's not forget Phoenix's "Yes, Daddy" towards Miles in the same episode. While less promiment, Clay & Apollo (Clay doesn't appear on screen really) and Juniper & Athena (overshadowed in-game by Juniper & Apollo) are very easy pairings too.
Lang is a bi icon, but he doesn't show it that much and he only appears in two cases. Edgeworth in the Investigation games in general is quite aroace. Phoenix is the only exception to him, huh.
Ray's love for Gregory is pretty one sided. Otherwise, this game is pretty straight and normal, sadly.
Literally ZERO gay here. Nothing at ALL. What the fuck Yamazaki. You peaked the homoeroticness with DD of all games? I'm glad you left. You're a loser and failure. (/s)

1 Comment

1 year ago

this is the list of all time probably ever

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