I actually played the two games out of order and started with this one first. Using the portal mechanics for puzzle solving is so intuitive, it's genius. I think the game has suffered with age, but still has its memorable moments, especially Cave Johnson. He's the GOAT.

Full disclosure, I haven't played any paper Mario before the reboot on the wii, but I actually enjoyed this one. The idea of using stickers for combat is really cool, and makes it so you need to prepare different sticker sets for different bosses. It feels almost like a Mario and luigi game in this way.

Drawing a million circles around pokemon is still fun as an adult. Love this game.

I don't really like this style of open world. I can fully appreciate what they did with the graphics and polished cutscenes, but the gameplay being focussed around stealth kind of killed it for me. I also stopped following or caring about the story halfway through.

Cute launch game to test the PS5's new controller features. Perfectly average, and I platinumed it in only a few days.

Not bad. This game definitely gets overshadowed by 3D world, but it doesn't deserve it really. Is it groundbreaking? No, but it managed to fit the whimsy of 3D Mario into bite-sized linear Mario levels.

I didn't play the original mirror's edge, but this one was just... fine. The parkour is fun, but the story and fight mechanics fit somewhere between average and crap.

Best uncharted game. 2 gets really close, but the set pieces in this one are off the hook. The plane scene in the box art is iconic and Chloe Frasier is such a fun character. It may be dated by today's standards but it is so great for what it offers.

Playing this as a kid sucked me into another world. I was always shocked by how well the planetary gravity system worked and loved the variety of levels and worlds.

I really appreciate what the team did here. I never expected developer created levels to be this tough, and the embrace of advanced mechanics in normal gameplay is so cool to see. This isn't to mention the stages of grief that madeline goes through in the level. Great little add-on.

Short but more uncharted goodness. Chloe is such a captivating character, and the game is so polished. Definitely pick up this one if you're a fan of modern naughty dog.

This one was just... fine. I enjoyed playing it, but it all kind of got sucked out of my brain afterward. Maybe it's because I'm just too used to the LittleBigPlanet formula. The music levels were super hype though.

This game definitely looks pretty, I'll give it that, but it follows most quantic dream games in being pretty lame. The story is really boring. I was hopeful that the political commentary in the story would be insightful, but they don't dig into it enough for it to be anything substantive.

Short little game, and I enjoyed my time with it. I liked the little bits of character development in what items she brings in and where she can place them. It felt like a bit of a drag near the end though.

Cool above average game. The ambiance is pretty dope and I can appreciate the scale of the world and colossi, but I really wish there was more to do in this world. It always felt like I was just crossing off a checklist of colossi to kill, instead of actually exploring the world like a typical open world.