Such an odd concept combining silly Disney characters with the edge of 2000s final fantasy, yet it works so well. Once this game grabs ahold of you, it does not let go , until it engraves itself into the back of your mind. A humble beginning that leans more towards the familiarity of DIsney's property. Exploring magical Disney worlds alongside our favorite characters. As we explore these worlds we get a better understanding of Sora, and learn to love his goofy personality. The main trio bounce off each other so well, Sora's love for his friends is touching and seeing the extent of how far he would go for them, and vice versa, leaves a tear in your eye. Such an amazing climax aswell with a secret ending that sets up future entries amazingly. The combat & RPG mechanics are so well done, and unique to this game. As the series continue they build up and improve on it, but the platform/actionrpg mix helps it stand out amongst the rest of the crowd. A fantastic beginning for a series that only gets better from here.

Has a strong intro, but story remains a edgy MC without the 2000s charm. Combat is a lot of fun but the harder battles devolve into switching to velvet and abusing her invincibility as everyone else dies. For it's time graphics are lacking, felt like a basic arpg where the standout features sunk it.

Starts off strong, beautiful world, interesting battle mechanics, engaging story. As it continues all starts to fall apart. Battles tend to drag on for too long towards the end game where you slap the same boss for an hour before getting one-shotted. World is beautiful but not much to do in and interact with. Story falls off once it enters the 2nd arc and becomes corny beyond repair. First 20 hours were magical with a sour latter half.

Stands out amongst all the other fantasy rpgs through it's engaging combat. Climbing otherwordly creatures and slapping them with a stick feels so amazing.
Class system offers a lot of unique ways to play (break) the game
To date it's a unique experience haven't played another capturing the same feelings of adventuring and thrill
Lacking in the story department for an RPG it's a setback

Fun and fast gameplay, so addictive
Level design & themes makes exploring each act a joy
The soundtrack is what really elevates the experience the most
Got me grinning ear to ear whenever I load it up for a quick session

One of the best open worlds to date up there with BoTW
Once you get into the groove cannot put the controller down
Always finding something new/exciting

Balancing reeks, feels like you're underpowered or over powered for chunks of gameplay. Still enjoyable

Fresh word to explore with terror around every corner
Best implementation of the soulsborne style to date

Chalice dungeons kinda stunk but are fully optional + skippable