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41 mins ago

_YALP commented on _YALP's review of Another Crab's Treasure
I struggle to think of a way in which I think the game is actively bad other than some very poor decisions it makes with the writing - and maybe thats worth losing half a star or something but its just not quite striking me that way yet. I have nothing negative to say about the combat that wouldnt just be preferences, like do I wish the game was harder overall? Maybe, but I dont think it needs to be. Its a lil glitchy sometimes but Im almost never considering glitches when it comes to design (unless that glitch is gamebreaking), glitches are accidents and glitches can be fixed (in most cases)

And frankly even in the ways I dont think it might measure up to other Soulslikes I respect Crabs Treasures approach to improving on and iterating on the genre than I do higher rated Soulslikes that are just incredibly incohesive and internally inconsistent pieces of work that get by on being technically better but conceptually all over the place etc etc etc

6 hrs ago

13 hrs ago

imshitting420 commented on pronounspronouns's list totally wicked english-playable saturn games your ass hasn't played
i didnt know shadows of the tusk has a translation, thanks for the note

13 hrs ago

13 hrs ago

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