Actually I don't like this one as much as other soulsborne games. I guess it just left me too much truama when I first played it. Also I don't think it's harder than Bloodborne or Sekiro

It has some flaws, weird physics, crazy tracking AI, camera collision. But overall, a masterpiece. It's crazy to link all of these maps together. The exploration is punishing but fun, combat is actually quite slow-paced, it more about stragegy

It has a astonishing amount of content, whic I think heavily relies on designers' contribution, the open world and the dungeons, etc. However, the enemy is a flaw. There a so many duplicate enemies, and basically they are too hard for melee and too easy for range attack

There are interesting parts but most of the time it’s just boring, especially the story

Still need some time to finishi it, but I've already decided to give a 10/10 and consider it as my personal GOTY candidate.
It's so innovatice, including no-hud design, immesive loading, encourage dislimb instead of headshot, grab and throw playstyle and zero-gravity 3C
Yet it has a traditional and solid sf vibe, we can obviously see the elements from Alien and Solaris. The artwork is also brilliant

At first I thought it to be some Japanese GTA, but it turned out nothing like that. I would say Yakuza is basically a fine-grained JRPG, with average combat system, exciting main story and funny side quests/mini-games

It's surprising that FS can handle ACT game so well, though there are some obvious tricks to reduce work, like reusing maps and enemies. And I think they are too eager to show their vertical map design that sometimes it's easy to get lost.
The platinum trophy process is overall fluent, except for farming exp - even in NG4 it still takes hours of farming to get max level

It becomes exremely fun after unlocking block. I'm surprised and curious about how Tango works decided to put effort on such a small-sized yet highly stylised game and release it without any teaser
Things I don't like: Korsica puzzles, Fire enemy and final boss are quite annoying. But still an excellent game

They want to put all the "cool" things together, and the outcome is fun and imaginative, but also very very messy.
The story is a total Shit

Fun game. It's bit like sekiro and a bit like a 3D castlevania. Some parts could be more polished but already interesting enought to keep me playing