For the Shinobi 3 Heads

Games that feel like, reference, or are often compared to the Genesis classic. Suggestions welcome

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi II: The Silent Fury
Shinobi II: The Silent Fury
The G.G. Shinobi
The G.G. Shinobi
The Messenger
The Messenger
Cyber Shadow
Cyber Shadow
Strider 2
Strider 2
Ninja Five-O
Ninja Five-O
Within the Blade
Within the Blade
Stealthier, craftier ninja action platformer, but the variety of playstyles supported scratches the itch.
Shinobi Non Grata
Shinobi Non Grata
A solid, more approachable take on Ninja Spirit by way of Alien Soldier, with short levels punctuated by frequent boss fights.
Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
Gravity Circuit
Gravity Circuit
Mega Man Zero with a grappling hook and a focus on melee combat - three hit combos, divekicks, very crunchy. Feels like a counterpart to Moonrider - where that game was Shinobi 3 with a bit of Mega Man, this is Mega Man with a bit of Shinobi 3.
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadow Blade: Reload
Not all that much like Shinobi 3, but it's a fluid ninja action platformer with a relatively varied moveset and level of quality that belies its mobile game roots.
Yokai Hunter Shintaro
Yokai Hunter Shintaro
Feels much more like an NES ninja game, but there's a specific reference to Shinobi 3's horseback autoscroller stage.
We'll see...
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Often called "The Shinobi 3 of SNES," on paper this game hits all the marks, but the result plays significantly differently. If Shinobi 3 used Revenge of Shinobi as a jumping-off point, Hagane started with Strider. An interesting game, but very much its own thing.
The Revenge of Shinobi
The Revenge of Shinobi
The predecessor. Slower, more deliberate, with a much more limited moveset. The origin of the much-maligned "Shinobi double-jump," which is good, actually.
Shinobi Legions
Shinobi Legions
An ugly, derivative follow-up with hideous digitized graphics, clunkier controls and boring level design. Worse in every way.
Ganryu 2
Ganryu 2
Despite using an old Visco game license, even the game's storefront description references Shinobi 3, and you can feel it.
Shinobi 3D
Shinobi 3D
A decent western-developed successor, hampered by middling visuals, bland music and a lack of new ideas.
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
The gameplay is Shinobi 3 at its core - running slashes and divekicks - but the full game brings in a host of other influences, from Hagane and Mega Man X to Contra and Super Hang-On. The result is fresh but familiar. A good time, if a little too easy for my tastes.
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
The One


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