December, 2023


picked up a copy at the thrift and its entertaining to me idk i have fondness towards these nothingburger math exercises .. i spent a lot of time on them when i was a kid lol. freak
like, i still had my old eu cartridge and shit on there is from 2009 ......... damn!

November, 2023



7h 45m

fucking hana on windy hill man



8h 55m

died 2 unnecessary times to the ogre (went back and did it) and then 3 times to the fucking car cause even though obviously you gotta kill the driver my dumbass kept standing in the same spot he swerves into and only realized a million years later why fucking dumbass


0h 30m

halloween door damn they have that shit on


0h 35m





3h 0m

completed minato and keito paths so... demo done
really liked minato's and i defo have a lot of thoughts. they make me very very sad. that downhill progression makes me feel kinda sick for them and i dont want to get it worse orz
keito's path was interesting although i actually reveled in how much of ryou there was lol. kinda worried about his sister though ??????
still. man i definitely need to get this game. i just need to know how all of this is expanded upon but it's crazy how relatively satisfactory the way this demo concludes is (to me?) in the individual character paths AND epilogue i mean
bone chill. i looooooove kokoro ten's art man
loved all of lemures blue's but really the wide and expressive variety of expressions in sprites is amazing and defo an evolution
cgs are such a freaking treat and honestly my reason number 2 i want to play through it all!!!!

October, 2023


im not going to lie the art direction is kind of breathtaking for a mobile gacha like this. other than the synopsis which actually seems(?) fresh so far + the concept of the characters being dubbed by vas worldwide (which i'm pretty sure is the reason why we're all here anyway) makes it promising for what it is ! i can envision myself never touching it ever again after the fifth login though lol
im not super crazies about mobages but i just respect it anyway
(i think i just wanted to pull the nonbinary bitch)


157h 8m


this game drives me up the wall for some reason and im not joking but my ass is going to fucking start a ng+ playthrough anyway (that i wont ever finish like with p5 but that's besides the point)

iunno what my problem is but as i finally finished my years long playthrough i came to realize ive spent WAY too much time on p5+royal combined to now have a relationship witj it that's soured as i've sampled more video games... it just doesn't do it for me anymore. never was the biggest fan of the entire story when i first played it anyway but now i'm just so dissatisfied. sure, it is fun, i wouldn't be playing it if I wasn't, but... strange how i don't have much passion for these characters (bar yusuke LOL) or like any single thematic element. sucks bad. makes me sad. wish i saw what yall saw



6h 10m

didnt even (get to) play a match i was just buying clothes for my greeblios

September, 2023


4h 55m

will i be able to finish this whole thing before i can’t renew my loan anymore…. hmm


1h 5m



actually cheered when she drew the heart

Started / Finished


3h 52m

xiao's color palette looked really edible so i named her mazapan


0h 20m



trying to process it all but the track that plays at the end is too good lol

Started / Finished


0h 25m

technically restarted

August, 2023


0h 45m


kisaragi from gejiutsuka art design class on a hang glider



0h 40m


i know the pqs dont particularly mean much to people other than being fanservice fodder but i adore this game for it's artstyle alone....
also hearing the 3 and 4 menu sound effects coupled with the p5 visual aesthetic is fun lol



0h 45m

do i need to play devilish mode


kaiju being cool is forever


1h 52m

i love u tom nook but i really dont want to be doing some fuck ass errands rn

July, 2023


2h 15m


i liked it a fair amount because i just had fun w it. i thought zeno was waaaay weaker in its ideas but ultimately still a fun experience, so i completely get criticism of maduzu’s writing but i just.. really can’t understand it here. shtdn is just a nice, silly, atmospheric piece of media in which the two main characters and the computer they live in are generally emblematic of humanity in a way that sure, isn’t particularily deep, but i found it touching and sweet. agape and goyou are cute. love wins!!



91h 30m

why did i try figuring out little prince on the same day i tried to do yesod suppression ....... its easy as hell but i lost a couple of my favourite agents ... dumbass...

1h 50m


set my little cunty oc free like a wild beast unto this strange land and its funny as hell how much he fits in with the uncanny ass graphics and like shreds of lore. absolutely augmented my gaming experience here


June, 2023


0h 40m


ashley is drawn soo cutely. i like when young teen characters actually feel their age w/o being ridiculously infantilized. or the opposite too
