June, 2024


0h 30m




Started / Finished

okazaki writing a formal text then immediately dropping it and using emoticons silly boy.. let me top you..

1h 10m

I fucking love this game fuck

May, 2024


24h 40m

consider i dick around and reread random bits of this game every month but today i sat down and started going over hinata/aoi again very seriously…


i have GOT to be the craziest bitch in this dress to impress lobby


1h 0m


gena's voice 😵‍💫


found the cave system spanning the entire map and i fucking died two hours in right while i was clearing the area of monsters to save my respawn point to a zombie spawner😭😭😭 whatever

3h 30m

2 more colossi down were they easier or am i not being a complete dumbass now

April, 2024




got so freaking hard i had to tone down the difficulty for zowie boss but MAN.
due for a replay maaybe like this week or so because my dumbass played in japanese

Started / Finished


8h 30m

finished rin route i liked hisao being so ... him tbh but iiiiidkkkk...?! i didnt get super invested like i thought i would maybe because it WAS so okay lol. maybe i would have picked a rin route but in a theoretical platonic relationship, maybe? im not sure i wanted them to date. i liked both their casual rapport and their #deep stuff... huh idk idk
rin's super cool though. i WAS surprised at how complex some of those ideas informing her portrayal are. not sure how what i mean but it's really interesting. you know what i mean
anyway im having real free time now so i'm thinking i will actually probably do hanako, maybe emi
fun fun fun finally figured i could change the flicks to the sticks but something still feels bad i dont know what. i feel like it's more sensitive with timing than future tone or i may have not calibrated my latency right


10h 22m

renee should get to kiss the player character


26h 35m

cleared some requests i had to do and and well i don't love lovers moon but it the funny implication that junpei and akihiko were together during it as well quells me. junpei biori


0h 50m

i actually dont mind the progression in this game + stages are super high quality but man. some song picks could be better
real ones know cute cloud is the best cloud (…even though love trial is one of the few vocaloid songs i hate. i’m so sick of that mid ass song…!)


11h 48m


naoto shirogane
king of the bind?

March, 2024


40h 0m

something is wrong with me sorry

February, 2024


141h 50m

i hate this game bruhhh😭😭😭💀💀💀


17h 21m

ace detective?
more like stupid li



3h 5m

just popping in to check on my villagerz.. its kinda meaningless but i never got to do the constellations i dont think, so that was super cute to discover

January, 2024


20h 0m

me when i decide to clean up some quests i had left from me finished w the first area of the game and the minibosses STILL beat my ass like three times each. goodbye


8h 25m


tossing myself off a cliff for tomokane fuckkk im for sure going to play around a little to see how much the best friend mechanic affects (probably not much)
that end scene and the little post gane scene you can access through the gallery is super goated though!!! i got emo. like, tomokane being all sappy got to me im so glad this game really went and utilized its full potential to get you even more attached to these characters. real ass fanservice..


6h 45m

im so good at actually playing this game for 1 of the 4 hours i leave it idling


1h 0m


kicking the shit out of the other cousins in the level selection area makes me giggle like a little kid
