This game is so fucking beautiful, by far the best game EA has put out in years compared to all the other fucking garbage they've managed to pull out their ass. Sad part is it's a remake, still a great one.
Love it.

The flow state that this game gives me is so good. Absolutely amazing (satisfactory)

Absolutely amazing. Beautiful graphics, music, gameplay, story. Brilliant remake.

Amazing. The best vr story game I've played. I love you valve

An amazing experience, that inspires nostalgia, despite only playing it around a year ago. The DLC's (the ones I've played) are also great. Everyone needs to play this. New Vegas is fucking awesome.


This was an amazing game. Talos 1 is beautiful and feels like a real, lived in place. Every challenge I faced likely had multiple ways to do it, which shows promising for the replay value of the game. I loved it and might 100% it one day.

I liked this one more than the 2nd. I know this is the most hated entry in the series, but I really loved Bioshock Infinite. Columbia lacks that eerie atmosphere of Rapture, but it makes up for that in pure, concentrated beauty. Gameplay was fun but I didn't like only being able to hold 2 weapons at a time. Great time.

I enjoyed this game too. I really liked the vibe of siren alley, and enjoyed the improved gameplay. I didn't really enjoy the story as much, but it's still an enjoyable experience nonetheless and I do recommend it.

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Absolutely great game. I felt as the game got more tedious and boring after the twist, but it's an unforgettable and repayable experience I will endlessly recommend to everyone. Buy the complete edition on sale.


Now I'm a little biased because I played this game when I was younger, but this is a really underrated game. Every single section is cool and has hard puzzles. It provides a good challenge, and while abandoned, it was completed, and you can pick it up on gog.

A much shorter game than REmake2, with less content too. I never played the original RE3, but from what I heard, it's a bad remake, but a good game. Mr. X (in REmake2) was much more terrifying than Nemesis was. The second to last Boss Fight felt like a waste of time. Nemesis jumps around for a good 2 minutes in which time you do nothing but wait because you cannot deal damage to him. I sat at the airport and stared at the wall until he made the sound. It was piss annoying. Otherwise, it wasn't THAT bad... But again, really short.

Super cool game. High replay value. Highly recommend. Mr. X is horrifying.


An absolute masterpiece of a game. Even missing out on the horror aspect (I played on safe mode to avoid shitting myself) the story was so captivating that I was hooked the whole way through. Some may say the gameplay is boring, but the story is not one to miss out on. There isn't much replay value. Pick it up (on sale as always) and experience a story that will have you questioning your very existence. Played on Steam Deck