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KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@Archagent that's great to hear! (maybe I could join...)

2 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@Archagent finally, a woman after my own heart, someone who prefers originals over remakes! :D

And I appreciate you taking the time to talk despite the culture shift in this site, it makes online spaces hard for us to catch a break (assuming you're talking about being trans online) so I hope you can find some peace in a good and healthy community ^w^

2 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge reviewed Terraria
I'm really sad to have this game at such a low score, because I so desperately want to love it but I've got really confused about how to do things and it felt so much like minecraft it honestly made me want to quit and play Minecraft instead...
The music and graphics are amazing, I absolutely adore how sweet and cosy it looks, but the game really isn't for me and I absolutely do not want to seem like an idiot having to look up a guide to use the inventory properly (there's no tutorial at all really), so yeah. One day I'll get into it properly and have the time of my life, but for now, no cigar....

3 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@Archagent ah that's understandable, the remake is better in practically every way so I completely understand why your bias lies there

Also it's no problem, it's been cool talking to you! Having discussions based on gaming experiences is why I decided to review games and make these kind of lists! :3

4 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge published a list 100%ers

5 Games

4 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@NovaNiles thank you :3

4 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@NovaNiles fair enough, this was a subjective list anyways, I don't share the sentiment for all of these characters mentioned; they're a combination of characters I've heard people found annoying as well as my own experience.

4 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on wheatie's list wheatie that's Too Many Times
I'm glad I could be an inspiration!

5 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@Archagent I've only played OoT a couple of times, and with how long text takes to read it just felt like it slowed everything right down, I know text is faster in the 3Dmake but I haven't tried that yet so my opinions are with the original

6 hrs ago

KatietheSqurge commented on KatietheSqurge's list Stupid companions
@Archagent i meeeeeean, her text isn't exactly skippable, and I found Fi okay at the very least but I couldn't stand Navi's high pitched voice every few seconds

6 hrs ago

6 hrs ago

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