very adorable art style and cute idea! ♡

very cute aesthetic but the music wasnt catchy enough for it to pass in the rhythm game department. still a lovely time though (:

a very strong ending to a cute, charming game! the train mechanic does get repetitive and boring after a while (especially with all of the fetch quests) but its enjoyable in a nostalgic way ♡

i dont care much for childe or zhongli but i enjoy diona and xinyan! ♡ unreconciled stars was a wonderful event that i have fond memories of, fischl is still one of my fave characters to this day so getting her for free was really lovely ♡

hiii albedo (batting my eyelashes really hard)
literally the ONLY money i have ever spent on this game (and i still have lots of it on my account to this day so i guess it was worth it). i loveee albedo so much + im a proud r5 festering desire haver

dragonspine was my favourite area of the map for YEARS and its still in my top three fave locations to this day, its just so perfect there. they really released the best region with the best character, peak

i miss my first lantern rite so deeply, truly a wonderful event ♡ i also love xiao a lot, hes gone through so much development since we first saw him and i love it :,) i LOVED that they gave keqing a banner bc i did ten wishes and got her immediately, tysm for specifically catering the update for me apparently ♡

honestly compared to lantern rite windblume is just a bit disappointing, i love the vibes and the decorations but it doesnt make me emotional like lantern rite does :,) hangout events are a really cool addition, im so glad the four star characters get Something focused on them ♡ we will be reunited is still a wild quest to this day, i cant believe it was so long ago. the storytelling here is so good and it genuinely unnerved me when i first played


i love and adore the serenitea pot with my whole heart (please please increase the load limit though idc if my ps4 explodes when i enter i just want to make my house pretty) ♡ i am still holding a grudge against azdaha though bc why does it take so long to kill. the cutscenes literally take longer than the time i spend attacking it, who thought that was okay :(

unfortunately i could not care less about babysitting klee, this event dragged on sooo hard. thankfully albedo was there to carry but even he could only do so much </3 the waverider Sucks, theyve improved the physics a bit over the years but it used to be so horrendously bad LOL. i still hate it to this day. also why was every island basically just a straight pillar of rock out of the ocean. especially at this point in the game when you barely have enough stamina to climb, it was just miserable all around

also, kazuha release ♡♡♡ remember when everyone thought that his materials would be unavailable after the event ended? five stars for kazuha alone, two stars bc everything else kinda sucked :(

proud yoimiya day one haver ♡♡ (she was released on my birthday! which is also ambers birthday. that was a good day ♡)

inazuma is ... annoying. having to do all of the little quests before youre allowed to leave narukami island is so tedious when all i wanted to do was explore. it also was not at all what i expected, the region gets prettier the deeper you go but i was a little underwhelmed when the electro region of sakuras and lightning was ... orange. like, the same orange as liyue, where we just were. an odd choice imo

one of the best stories in any zelda game, the writing is amazing and really gets you invested in the world and the people living in it. unfortunately the characters kind of balance each other out. i love midna and shad but hate all of the children, who are sadly a big focus of the game (for a reason, they do have growth and are beneficial to the story but i personally do not like them). the world is beautiful but feels a little empty, however this is sort of fixed as you experience each section both in light and twilight. overall, a very solid experience that i hold close to my heart ♡

kinstones are the absolute death of me
otherwise, this is a very cute game that exceeded my expectations! ♡ most adorable graphics out of any zelda game, its fun to play and definitely underrated (:

this game made me stop playing zelda games for a solid six months. everything about it annoyed me and i dreaded picking it up each day.

(this is NOT about rosa. i love her ♡♡♡)

well. uhm. im not sure. i have no idea why this game didnt click with me, im struggling to find words to explain it. the graphics of the remake are adorable and i love them, however i feel like the world is very stuffy. the chibi art style makes it feel more like a big puzzle board compared to when the series is pixels or 3d, something i am not the biggest fan of. none of the dungeons really stood out to me and i didnt like the ending very much.

i do like marin though! one whole star for her ♡