nostalgic, more engaging than i thought it would be going into it tbh! nothing special but i didnt hate it (:


picked up the free demo after seeing it on the indie world showcase! (: definitely a promising game! the art style, voice acting, and music are all phenomenal <3 the gameplay is good and easy to pick up for the first few levels, however i am very bad at puzzle games so it just wasnt for me. i absolutely recommend it to anyone whos into this sort of thing though! <3

a bit grindy near the end but i am willing to overlook that due to how stunning this game is. everything about it is delightful - the art style is so beautiful, the music matches each area perfectly (most of the ost has been added to my study playlist!), the characters are charming (even if they are only present briefly), and the story is simple but effective. i genuinely cannot recommend this game enough, its one of my favourite gaming experiences ive ever had <3 definitely check it out if youre interested! (:

this was one of my most anticipated games all year and i was disappointed ): it feels like a game made for young children, i really really hate the dialogue. it makes me severely dislike every character in the game. i could understand if the kids were just a little weird but even the adults are annoying as well. one star for the art style, it definitely is stunning! and then half a star bc i do enjoy the concept, i just wish it was executed better </3

fair enough! i can understand the appeal of making cute things scary. i like the art style and i really want one of those bumblebee cats <3

while not as good story-wise compared to the original, i can appreciate what they tried to do here! definitely a fun concept even if its not necessarily my favourite. the style of the game and little changes (like the chat backgrounds) is very cute and i enjoyed seeing the characters in a new way (: i love rhythm games and this one is pretty fun and simple! it uses remixes of music fans already know and like, making it easier to zone out while playing (in a good way). some remixes are even better than the original songs (no.1, specifically).

it has the same problems as the first: too many events, not enough break time, needing to spend money to get anywhere, and lots of whales. nothing unexpected in a gacha otome game but still dull the experience for me. as much as i love these characters and this world i simply dont have the time or energy to play as much as the game would like

great story, gameplay, and art style! the characters are kind of a mixed bag, the cast is small with only four romanceable options and i only personally like two of them (luke and artem). it is very engaging to play through and the main character rosa is incredible herself! ♡

a very fun game with characters that i love and adore ♡ satan is one of my favourite otome men ever and i am very thankful i gave this game a chance. it does take a huge amount of time if you want to get through all of the story, but it is well written and enjoyable for the most part. the designs are also very good and the art is enjoyable to look at as a whole ♡

the gacha is only vaguely important, luckily with the large cast (especially with the inclusion of the dateables!) there should be someone you like that you can pull for. getting character cards of all types is important in order to progress in the story and sometimes i think it is a bit unfair and rough on people who cannot spend money. it is also difficult to balance playing the main story with the events, there is barely any break time between the two and the game demands your attention daily. it is also difficult to rank without spending money (and lots of it) as there are a good amount of whales who always reach the top spots (good for them but damn).

very fun overall, however i moreso recommend picking it up casually! the characters are very unique so there should be someone for everyone (: ♡

cute but it gets boring very fast. i am not a fan of games that make you wait forever just to get materials to do important things, i understand they want you to keep checking back but i do not have the time or the energy to care. very cute characters though, i love their designs! ♡

these characters are Very hit or miss. i either love them (laura, abigail, kaitlyn) or i despise them (jacob. jacob). this is horrible when im supposed to want them to make it through the night alive, but in this case i didnt care if a few were lost along the way. i wish the monsters looked more like their name suggests and less like they were ripped right out of until dawn. overall not a terrible game but it definitely could have had some improvements!

a great game with great characters! ♡ i dont like the core gameplay very much but the plot and side activities are very fun (:
junna best girl ♡♡

well. i hate that i enjoy the concept, a girl killing her "rivals" to try and date the boy she likes (who does not like her back in the slightest) can be a fun idea. you just need to remove the dev, remove the curse around yandere sim games, remove the sexualization of minors, put them in a university setting, remove the questionable "rivals", and basically start from scratch. cool idea, bad execution.

fine to mess around with for a while, nothing too exciting. it IS very adorable though and i love the art style ♡

such a fun concept, it fits perfectly with the pokemon franchise where all kids want to do is be part of the world around them ♡ i would spend hours and hours as a kid memorizing the locations of different pokemon and how to access the special ones. this game is the reason why mew was my favourite pokemon for so many years ♡ it loses half a star as it is a little short, i wish that there was more content!