soaring on latios/latias is very cool, the region looks very good, and i love the new characters like lisia and zinnia! ♡

i wish they kept this level of character customization moving forward, we peaked here. i also love lots of the pokemon introduced in this era (vivillon, furfrou, sylveon, and the goodra line) but the story as a whole never really stuck with me

a very interesting follow-up from black/white, i do enjoy that instead of making the same game with a few changes they just did a timeskip! it makes it much more interesting to explore the world and see how things have changed ♡

reshiram supremacy ♡♡ i have very fond memories of playing these games as a kid and theyve only gotten better with age! the praise they receive is well deserved, they look stunning and have amazing writing! (:

i miss my pokewalker, that was such a lovely addition to these games ♡ a stunning experience with so much to do, it was perfect for keeping me entertained! it also has some of the prettiest pokemon graphics from any game, especially when you look at the follower pokemon. that was so cute, i miss it ♡

fixed and expanded on so many things in dp! the story is so interesting in platinum, i do wish team galactic had been expanded on a little more though. they have really cool character designs and it would have been sweet to see the admins interacting more! the music is all very good, the world design made small but lovely changes, and the pokemon selection is much better! a very special game that i love very much ♡

my childhood pokemon game ♡ i replayed it countless times and spent so many hours in this world. while platinum is the better version, this one holds a special place in my heart as it was my first ♡

as i was born too late to experience red and blue when they released, i purchased pokemon yellow as a way to experience all of the starters in the region they originated from. it was surprisingly solid, i thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. my only complaints would be mechanics such as the safari zone and regional exclusives.

(also, according to this experiment... squirtle is the best starter!)

the best splatoon experience! ♡ one of my favourite games of all time, definitely worth every hour spent on it. pearl and marina are the best idols in the franchise, splatfests had the best vibe, story mode was difficult but fun, and the ink had glitter in it! genuinely, what more could you want? ♡

i got splat1 at the very end of its lifespan, however i really enjoyed my time with it! i used to main heavy splatling and i really miss some of the old stages that havent been brought back ): it also started the trend of me losing every final fest, haha (rip team callie, team marina)

such a fun game, im obsessed with it! the horror factor is doubled considering i also live in the remote canadian wilderness, much of the scenery is what my home looks like for over six months of the year. the characters are all very enjoyable, even if you only enjoy hating them, and the aesthetic is perfect ♡

coming from someone who does not really like horror, this is one of my favourite horror games. i will forgive all of its scary aspects and things that made me uncomfortable in favour of being obsessed with this game. i am a huge fan of otome and dating sims so it was something id be interested in anyway! and then it hit me with amazing characters, great music, and unique gameplay. the way it takes a visual novel setting and breaks it ever so slightly is so genius, i cant stop thinking about it. while i strongly recommend it, there are some aspects of this game that arent for everyone so i do suggest reading a trigger warning list before jumping in! ♡

a less interesting setting than the first game and a much more mixed cast of characters make my opinion on this game a little rocky. on one hand i love the techy/island vibes but miss the claustrophobia of the school from the fist game. i love some of the characters with all of my heart but hate more of them than i did before. this game is somehow always both extremes at once, its a fun experience but can be a little all over the place.

unique, not as fun as the original game but its nice to see the world outside of the school. i love komaru as both a character and a protagonist. there are some issues regarding the warriors of hope and some writing that i am not very fond of, however, which does dull my enjoyment a bit.

the best thing this game did was give toko some very needed character development that allowed her to grow and change. toko was never a character i particularly cared about in trigger happy havoc so i was on the fence about her appearance here. by the end of the game though i was sold on her, she really comes a long way and its nice to see! ♡

definitely has its issues but also scratches the itch for a detective game that is also fun! a really likeable cast of characters (for the most part, hifumi what are you doing here) and a great aesthetic design (pink blood just makes the game so much more memorable)! the twists of each trial are fun to think through, sometimes they can be a little far-fetched but i have no issues immersing myself into a world enough to let that type of thing go. a good first game to a genuinely good series! ♡

my favourite characters are sayaka, celeste, and mondo (: ♡