they hid the matrix yuri in this one must play 10/10

of all the games i find myself defending i never thought i would be going to bat for this one. there's something about this one to me especially playing it off the heels of my first ever watch through of the animated series but i really wish this wasn't roped into the film, because first of all. it does not adapt or run parallel to the film and besides the design of aeon herself and a few minor details features almost exclusively original material or inspiration from the series and the thing is that it's done fairly well. but this comes with the large caveat of the game being Terrible to play for the most part and i can only imagine that it was because this game was rushed to meet the release of the film. but if you look past that and look at the writing and the bonus intel cutscenes you can find across the game world there's a certain level of playfulness and care to it that you can really tell that there were fans of the show working on this and i honestly just wish this was given a longer deadline and wasn't forced to tie into the movie because i think they could have made a compelling game primarily lifting from the show and honestly would still like to see a game inspired by the show. i'm not sure if i recommend this game per say but if you can stomach that mediocre to frustrating gameplay you might find things to love like i did.

a big improvement on the first in so many ways. complete removal of clone characters addition of costumes and accessories and prettier maps. it's a shame we didn't get this one in the west. but not hard to understand the japanese version if you don't read it and it's a fun play if you're musou inclined

a really interesting proposal for what a fighting game can be. a practice in atmosphere and display of experimentation that feels lovely to be in and see where it takes you. making divergences from the set formula of the arcade mode, characters changing fighting styles for plot motivated reasons and a lack of care for competitive viability. something i wish more fighting game studios did at least once, not something i think needs to entirely replace fighting games that aim their sights at competitive audiences but a breath of fresh air that can co-exist with competitive games, fighting games that just Are.

feeling very "we should show hyperpop to a victorian orphan" about going back in time and showing this to ayn rand

on a serious note the museum room made me happy more games should do this

a perfectly enjoyable game if you're into the formula it revolves around. only Major complaint is a lack of incentive to try out other spirits as the game progresses you will likely have a satisfactory set within the first 2 hours, this doesn't detract from my enjoyment too much but is rather something i would like to see iterated on if these devs ever worked in the genre again

falsely attributed as being the "definitive" version of sengoku basara 2 due to having the biggest roster, however i don't think it really justifies itself as a stand alone expansion of the base game given it removes All of the story content from the first, so i can't really in good faith recommend this over the base game and would probably only say to play it if you're playing through the HD collection. it's a serviceable game tho.

I was really afraid to revisit this after finally playing through all of chaos;head noah and coming out the other end of that feeling rather negatively. but thankfully now that I have completed this play through of S;G i'm pleasantly surprised that this still holds up for me! it is not without faults (mostly pacing related and honestly you could relegate chapter 8 into a single scene and lose essentially nothing to the story imo, content of that chapter aside even) but thankfully it has a solid foundation, excellent atmosphere and a charming cast. whenever it's in it's full pseudo-science sci-fi emotional bullshit it's really gripping even when it doesn't necessarily feel entirely logical. there's an undeniable magic to this one even now, despite it's flaws


this is one of those games that makes you just repeatedly run through everything in your head that makes you feel passionate about games over and over. one of the most engaging adventures i've ever experienced. the last few days spending time with this slowly figuring everything out and collecting the manual is going to stick with me for a very long time

simple, effective and gorgeous!

gameplay wise this doesn't hit quite as well as anodyne 2 did (altho it came together nicely in the end once you reach the individual character centered levels) however i still wholly recommend this game just based on it's emotional core which is extremely strong. truly some beautiful writing and visual design here. excited to see how Angeline Era turns out in the coming year!

gripping story and atmosphere (foregoing dungeon music for the entire game except the final worked really highly in it's favor). battles were a bit mediocre in this one, with mechs especially feeling tacked on but considering how heavy this leaned on story instead it wasn't too much of an issue. good stuff.

enjoyable little visual novel with a fun cast. english script is a little rough but considering what it is and how short lived the dev team was it's lucky we ever got it at all. recommend if you're into this sorta thing

this one really is that good huh .. the way this one feels, sounds, looks just all clicked in a huge way for me even if this wasn't the hardest one or whatever. coming off having just beat the sorrow duology the extra flourish the backgrounds and world gets by virtue of being a console game makes the world come alive and once again must be reiterated. the fucking soundtrack.

basically the standard of what a single player experience for a fighting game should be to me. i love revisiting this one and getting the the gold title screen each time this time finally entering it here. a forever favorite