This is my go to download for when my friends are coming over and I want them to think this is what I play in my spare time.

I played it a really long time ago, I liked it enough to buy more assassins creed games so it was probably pretty good.


Zelda is so mysterious and mystical i love her.

(I don't know how long i've spent on this game but much like elden ring i've been putting off the final fight for a very long time. Sorry Zelda ily)

If you hate this game you hate fun.


I hate to say it but I enjoy this game far more than I enjoy minecraft


"No notes, you've exceeded my EVERY expectation",
Shadowheart please give me a chance.
This is the best game of all time don't argue with me you wont change my mind.


It's fun, I'm just not a huge fan of first person games.


It was fun, for probably about 10 hours, but the combat gets old pretty quickly, what redeems this game for me was the grappling and gliding,

but I think I'd rather just play spiderman 2.


I can't really remember this game, I do remember enjoying it though which is odd for me because I don't usually like first person story games.


I enjoy the hitman games way too much and it concerns me.


A beautiful game, compelling characters, incredible graphics and a story that sticks with you for years after playing. While I haven't played too much of the online version of this game, the story mode has left a lasting imprint on me, one of my favourite games of all time, and one of the only games to make me cry.

Side note: somehow the combat in this game feels so much better than GTA5 even though the basic mechanics are the same.


I DON'T CARE what you think of this game I LOVE IT,

I feel empty.



honestly I can't believe you would rate this anything less than a five its about cute cat making friends.

I think that it's worth the money you spend on it but nothing more.
