I would have thought that i'd have played this game more based on how fondly i remember it. Its absolutely stunning visually with a story that made me feel like I was getting ripped to shreds.


I asked my dad if I could renovate the house he was selling after I played this and was shocked when he said no.


Was trying to ride the stardew valley high and crashed and burned.


Original overwatch? love it, loved every second of it, perfect game, the rest of my review will be on Overwatch 2.


I wish this game was a person so i could murder it.


Sure this game has it's problems, but its a lot of fun, I played this game for a few weeks straight, have over 100 hours, which I'm pretty sure is soley because I could not choose between Sparta and Athens.


What a fun and refreshing indie game.


everything I know about this game you also know about this game, I have nothing new to say.


Is this a bad game, no, but I suck at it and i'm bitter


Maybe if I had seen starwars I would have enjoyed this more.


It's fun,
I'm bad at it but it's fun.


This is probably my second favourite game of all time, its perfect, its incredible, the combat is flawless, the fights are epic, the story is enthralling, I simultaneously love it and hate it, and the best part is, I haven't even finished it, i've been putting off radagon's fight for three months.


I can't remember the plot of this game, what I do remember is that I really liked the parkour and did not get past the first couple hours of the game because all I wanted to do was jump across buildings.
