Tell me whether you were a skier or a snowboarder and that tells me everything I need to know about you.


I actually couldn't tell you how I have so many hours on this game, did I play it 5 times? I can't remember, it's good though.


I don't have much to say on this game I played it once when I was sick and never again. But I can tell you this, shooting someone in the testicles has never felt so good.


Good story, really enjoyable, definitely felt like batman.


I think I would have enjoyed this far less if I was from anywhere but australia where we got that incredible censorship.


What else can I do if not praise this game, the characters and the narrative are some of the best the world has to offer, across all mediums of storytelling.

I love Ellie she's never done anything wrong ever idc


I'm not cut out for this shit.


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Playing this with a friend really made me feel like they were actually betraying me and I needed to reconsider our friendship.


I have a vague memory of sitting on the floor and crying playing cluster truck.


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The first time I played this my wolf died and I cried.


This game took over my life it was all I could think about, all I could talk about, I ate, slept and breathed stardew valley, the villagers were my friends, and farming was my vocation, I spent hours trying to get a rabbit foot so that the entire town wouldn't realise that I was actually dating every single last one of them (they all found out anyway at mine and haley's wedding)


now that i'm five years older than when I played this religiously, I couldn't exactly tell you why I liked this so much, probably because its a good hub for online friends, but i guess my taste just changed.


Again, if you aren't careful i'm going to use everything I learnt in this game.


I need christopher judge to be in every game ever
