wondering how tf they surpassed Undertale (one of my favorite games of all time) this game is amazingly good.

You know how I went and praised Kurohyou 2?
Well, RGG did it, they dethroned my favorite Yakuza game.
Every aspect of this game is so well put together I LOVE it.

By far the best way to play Fallout 3. No contest.

everything about this game's existence is so funny
from the fact the engine used was used without permission, the possibility that this game contributed to Van Buren being cancelled, how it represents Interplay's genuinely stupid move, the promotional tie-ins that remove Nuka-Cola, to the fact that this is probably the least Fallout Fallout.

Been several hours stuck in the final bossfight of Canto III.
Game's pretty well designed, difficulty spike is as vertical as you'd expect from Project Moon. Weirdly enough it has had some glitches going on for me, but it's been fun. Story is pretty well written so far too, probably ProjMoon's peak.

Probably the only gacha game to ever exist that I don't feel complete rejection for, so it gets credit for that too. Got probably one of the strongest IDs in the game without paying a single cent.

Aside from having some genuinely horrible grinding. (Which is expected of an RPG Maker game since most of them tend to have some heavy grinding issues.)

This is genuinely a very well made game with a lot of respect to the series, played it right after finishing Stardust Crusaders, and the more of JoJo I watch the more I respect this game for how accurately it added a bunch of things.

indie horror is dead. capitalism killed it.

Would be awesome if I didn't have to re-do the main story every time I want to make a new character.
I've played through the story millions of times and at the very least they made it short, but dang the grinding in this game sucks.

of all versions of tetris this is definitely a tetris game.


The story of OMORI is really well done, representing the themes given on it rather well. However the game's overall quality is kinda downed by the fact it has so many mistakes a first time game dev could make with RPG combat.

Grinding is a massive issue, the fast travel is tedious to get and there really aren't many things that could make the game a little less time-consuming, such as a way to skip text or diagonal movement.

It's a really pretty game but it has a lot of gameplay issues that I think could have been addressed with a patch, but to be a first gamedev's RPG game, it's a hell of a great impression.
If OMOCAT was to ever make another videogame ever, pretty sure this would end up being a fantastic learning experience.

Just get it to setup Tale of Two Wastelands.
At the very least you get some decent new places to explore.

Game Freak should unionize.

After playing New Vegas, I've played the hell out of Fallout 3 so I could see how the other games were like. I liked Fallout 3 after getting through it even if I don't find it a good game.

Fallout 4, even as it's own thing, is genuinely just not a good game. The modding community is absolutely amazing and it makes the game worth getting at least. But if modding ain't your forte, stay away from this one or wait until it goes on sale for cheap.

this game looks absolutely fantastic and it's exactly my aesthetic but it hit too close to home for me to ever want to finish it.
i'll give it credit for being the game to hit me the hardest.

THE TOWN INSIDE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONLY I'M NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!