This game had zoomers arguing over war crimes hot people committed

If you really need past gen mons in your journey (which I GET, it's valid) then yeah direct upgrade.

If you're like me who's a freak who chooses rpg's to replay based on how much you like the main campaign and story, then maybe you also prefer BW1. or maybe it's just me, it's entirely possible

Gen 5 fans don't need their dick sucked any more than they do atm. So I'll just say I prefer this game to BW2, kay byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I always hear stories about how this was the remake made to satisfy fans asking for one instead of Game Freak wanting to remake it. And yeah you can feel that from the game remaking just the bare essentials of RS but also having that entire post game which feels like the thing Game Freak was most interested in doing. Either way I'm enough of a Hoenn baby to still love it

I knew I got old when I saw kids on twitter talking about how this was their first Pokémon game and how over-hated Gen 6 is. I've replayed this game enough to know I don't hate it. But damn, I'm old, and this game is kinda eh!

This shit got me through so many boring lectures

It's weird y'know. I'm not into Zelda or any Zelda-like games. But this game, something clicked. There's a mood and movement to this game that I don't get from any other game. Sick as fuck


The finale got me ngl. Haven't gotten the desire to replay it yet but I can see myself giving it another go.

Haven't beaten the sequel ONCE yet but this was a nice introduction to the series

They swear in this game, I would be in so much trouble if my mom found me playing this game as a kid.

Oh and the game is good, the first good battle network game in the series barring some late game backtracking.

Wild how a first game can be both too forgiving and too bullshit at the same time

This review was written before the game released

After getting past the "written by the co-creator of RWBY" jumpscare in the trailer, this is just a fun as hell hack and slash with a visual style reminiscent of Strider 2 that I crave. Def give the demo a chance.

I love sprites with thick black outlines. I don't like physics puzzles. Got bored!

Whoever gave us a heckin funny wholesome doggerino as a companion AI who talks throughout the entire game, they give me more fear for the future than any corporation or late stage capitalist cyberpunk city