The worst thing i have ever experienced in my life, and not because of the awful content, but because of how the awful content is recontextualized.

Saikoroshi was incredible but the other two arcs were a waste of time

I think this is probably where the Persona series peaks in terms of characters. The story is great, but the gameplay is very lackluster to the point where it was actively a slog to get through, despite how good the narrative was. Going from Persona 1 to Persona 2 was complete gameplay whiplash. I found Persona 1's gameplay great, and I feel Persona 2 was such a step down.

This was the best of the Persona series

its very good and i find the gameplay to be a step up from the first game. its full of soul and the world being as interconnected as it is makes me appreciate it a lot more

Awesome game that unfortunately has problems

the only good classic sonic game

its a great remaster of half life 1 and i recommend this be played if half life 1 is too difficult for you

very boring and long and easy? i didnt like the gameplay much at all

I found this to be a very perfect experience from start to finish

I got dead god and this is one of the worst games ive played because of how annoying the game design can be