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mariowithagun reviewed River City Ransom
Without doubt one of the best NES games, brimming with nonstop charm and personality and boasting an addictive method of increasing your stats. Short enough to be a blast, making these totally American and not Japanese high school punks vomit nonstop never gets old.

6 days ago

6 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed Shatterhand
These later NES games are where it's at. I love the dark, action-packed cyberpunk style of this game, which was already enrapturing and cool before I learned the Japanese version was based on a pre-existing TV show. I also love how there are multiple combinations of powerups you can put together for different assistance drones. The graphics and sound are also among the best on the system. The game can be a bit overly difficult with some truly durable bosses, but that's the nature of the NES. No passwords, but it's relatively short and has infinite continues.

7 days ago

7 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed The Portopia Serial Murder Case
I ended up looking stuff up because some of the cryptic elements (like looking in this specific corner of the drawer) got on my nerves. But the ending was honestly surprisingly moving. This is definitely one of the first well-written video games, or at least one of the first where the dialogue within the game is intriguing, funny, and even emotionally impactful.

7 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed The Lone Ranger
Quite well-made, as you'd expect a late NES game from Konami to be. I like how this game mixes so many genres, and I was especially impressed by the first-person sequences which mix light gun gameplay with dungeon crawling. Unfortunately, it's damn hard and sends you back quite a ways when you die.

8 days ago

8 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed Android
Better than the actual Lode Runner, other than the fact that you need to press your face to the screen to see a damn thing

8 days ago

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