it's not as bad as I was expecting it to be but I'm losing my patience with how little GF is willing to innovate and with an entirely new system to work with, they really had no excuse for this to be as plain as it is.

This was my favourite game of all time for many years.

I believe New Vegas is superior, but this was my introduction to this absolutely fantastic series and as such, I find it hard to truly prefer it.

It's utterly insane that this game came out in 2004. Some of the technology and features that are present were way ahead of its time. It's not my favourite GTA game, but it's definitely fair to say its the best one, all things considered.

This is in my top ten games of all time.

The gameplay is simply unmatched, it's fucking bonkers what you can do with Dante alone.

I love the criticism of revenge that’s enveloped in the batshit anime nonsense that plays out narratively.

The graphics are insane, even over a year later.

Nero went from a scapegoat for DMC dissatisfaction to a very valid pick for best character in the series.

What a comeback

I can't decide if I prefer this to 2 or not.

It has the best set pieces in the entire series, definitely.

But it's also just.. incredibly similar to 2, and the story tries to be more than a light-hearted romp, but it never really succeeds on rising above that.

I found this pretty disappointing following up on my Yakuza 0 playthrough.

The story was significantly worse even with the weight it gained from playing 0 first. There was also quite a bit of obvious filler and unearned twists later in the story.

But it's still pretty good, Yakuza is always pretty good.

Mass Effect is probably my favourite trilogy in gaming and this is my favourite entry.

The combat is nothing special, but the story and characters are unparalleled.

This definitely has the best story and tone of the reboot trilogy.

But the combat is pretty mediocre, and the games entire structure has been replicated at nauseum in recent years.

It's aged like milk but it makes you appreciate the proceeding entries all the more.

Stomach it, you'll be glad you did.

It's still devil may cry so it's still pretty great. But it set Nero off on the wrong foot, and playing the entire game again with a (mostly) unoriginal Dante moveset was a drag

(probably) the best cod campaign

this is mostly nostalgia for the multiplayer on this at release

This is the game that made me such a junkie for ball breaking difficulty. It's also the best exclusive on the PS4, hands down.

It's not one of my favourites, but I have a lot of nostalgia for it.

The final boss is the best in the series too, peak Kojima.

This is my favourite entry in the GTA series.

Tight, cohesive and consistently breathtaking missions.

Innovative and daring changes to structure and story-telling.

A gorgeous, detailed world.

I love it.

I never really did get behind the sentiment that this is Rockstar's "Magnum Opus"

But I understand why people think that.

Gorgeous world, amazing story and characters, fantastic ending and a wealth of things to do.

Red Dead 2 is MUCH better tho..