This blew my socks off back in 2013.

One of the best villains in gaming, innovative in terms of open world design and superb gunplay.

But it also marked the beginning of a toxic trend we still see today in open world games...

I love it, but I hate its influence.

I never really did get behind the sentiment that this is Rockstar's "Magnum Opus"

But I understand why people think that.

Gorgeous world, amazing story and characters, fantastic ending and a wealth of things to do.

Red Dead 2 is MUCH better tho..

I'm a sucker for well set up twist endings.

The soundtrack is also superb.

Worst entry in the series. Yes, worse than chain of memories.

The story completely lost me here. From this point onwards, I've simply been going with the flow.

Forgettable choices for worlds too (Tron Legacy, really?)

This game is disappointing in many ways.

The mission design is STILL dated, Rockstar are still terrified to double down on ANY interesting ideas (e.g. introducing intricate and layered survival mechanics.. that you can COMPLETELY ignore) and the gunplay is simply unacceptable for the year it released outside of some stellar sound design and gore effects.

However this game helped display that Rockstar are storytelling masters in a way that we've never truly seen before.

Years later I still hold Arthur Morgan incredibly high on my list of best protagonists I've ever seen, period.

Probably my second favourite game in the series and my game of the year 2015.

Interesting to see a sequel attempted with pokemon but its otherwise pretty standard.

It has a slowww start, frustrating gameplay mechanics and a frustrating story


But then it ends up having one of the best endings I've seen in a game in a long time, and one of the most unique gameplay loops I've ever seen.

It's dripping with originality, it just expects a bit too much patience from the player for you to truly appreciate it.

I think this is better than the original, shoot me.

The concept of playing as a big daddy and exploring the relationship between one and their little sister is very interesting to me.

The villain is also pretty great, not as good as bioshock 1s, but still great.

And the ending is pretty satisfying and emotional.

Despite the illusion of choice, its hard to deny how emotionally devastating this game is.

The ending made my heart tender for days.

I appreciate the significance, but this wasn't my first cod. I played it many years later and as such, it's harder to feel as strongly about.

Solid and sound platforming fun that is bursting with personality and charm.

It's also gorgeous.

It's so fucking stupid but I love it.

My favourite entry in the series.

Terrifying, infinitely rewarding and dripping with atmosphere.

It's also absolutely insane how well this has aged.

This is tied with AC2 as the best in the series.

It's a shame a large part of its success can be attributed to it not really feeling like an AC game.