This game would've gone harder if Sigurd, Deirdre, Julia and Seliph went "We are the Fire Emblem 4"

I bought this game in 2018 and just beat it. For the most part I really enjoyed this game. The main cast is all hits and their group dynamics carry the game. The main plot is incredible and skits are fun. My only real problems are the middle section of the game being a boring globetrotting fetch quest and I didn't really vibe with the combat besides Velvet (kinda feels like the game was designed around only playing as her). Another thing I had trouble with is how all 6 party members unlock like 30 different moves and I couldn't figure out what weaves well into what. I'm not sure if I missed something obvious or if I had to look up YouTube videos. Overall I enjoyed this game and would recommend it to anyone interested in JRPGs

This game is incredibly fun to walk around and waste time in. The game honestly felt so fun and fresh (might be because I played botw in 2019) but the sky islands and the depths were such a good edition. The dungeon bosses honestly kinda suck alot more in this game tho. Ganondorf is definitively the best fight in the whole series

Played HM Sacae route. Kinda don't like this game after playing FE5. So many mechanics have been stripped away and HM definitely wasn't play tested. In a weird way I kinda really liked how comically hard it was at some points

This party is cool but I wish there was a way to find the geeks and gamers in the crowd

Best FE game. Top tier story. Loved alot of the mechanics in it like infinite trading, capturing, mov and auth stars. Fatigue is an interesting concept that I didn't mind because the game drowns you in so many good units

Great remake didn't finish magalor mode because I thought his moveset wasn't fun but im glad people who like him got it tho

I really enjoyed this games story and loved all the returning characters it was just never ending fan service for people who kept up with the series. Tho I have to say the game as a whole is a bit disappointing to play. The styles are still lopsidedly balanced like the original and the grind to make new gear and weapons is an absolute joke. Honestly feels like they just gave the original game a new coat of paint and added new boss remixes and called it a day which is a shame.

One of the most charming, heartfelt, and emotionally resonant games I've ever played. The humor has aged extremely well and the characters are all delightful. The writing is masterful and runs the whole spectrum of emotion effortlessly. The multiple endings add replay value and basically every aspect of the gameplay exists to serve the narrative. Without question one of the greatest games I've ever played and truly deserving of the title of masterpiece.

I liked this game it was cool. The gameplay was fun and I like a lot of the characters in this one. Story is same old same old FE story but tbh I don't really mind it

The game is fun but the performance issues are too hard to ignore especially when you compare it to other games on the switch. This game also has like a fake open world because enemies don't scale so you get sent to hell if you go to a late game area early but over all the story is fun and the music is good so its ok

Legit my favorite megaman game. A perfect culmination of the entire battle network and star force series. A shame the series didn't sell well so we never got a 4th game but it ended on a good note.

Best Final Fantasy. Squall the GOAT.

It's better than 3 for sure but this game has problems. The story is kind of bad and this game has a lot of bloat and filler to drag out the story when it didn't really need it? Gameplay is pretty fun and you become overpowered pretty quickly. I did enjoy all the fanservice tho such a great pay off for playing the whole trails series

This is truly the worst game i've ever played. It has terrible visuals, music, gameplay and story