72 Reviews liked by meg00se



This one had the brain cell that day

The residents were definitely evil this time around

I think you did finally take Control at some point, I dunno

Extremely fun game, played it with my wife, and it was great.

this is pretty much THE toontown server to play, active playerbase, it trims down most of the obnoxious parts of TTO, and introduces several fresh and interesting concepts

This is probably the best piece of fan-made content I've experienced in my life. The amount of love, care, and passion felt at every corner is indescribable. Yeah, the game's janky and has some design quirks that I disagree with, but that's not what this is about. It's truly a testament on what a group of talented and passionate fans can do when they work together. I spend every waking hour of the day looking forward to what the devs have in store for the future.

rip and tear (featuring underwhelming puzzles)

I still have absolutely no idea what's going on in the plot of these games but the gameplay in Dream Drop Distance is a huge improvement over the previous games.

Flippy floppy dream parkour go brrrrr.

Just play the game, it’s relatively short and every single second is worth your while.

I rarely 100 percent games, but I felt a sense of reverence to psychonauts that I had to. It was a bit of a slog finding the LAST figment in each level(the last is always the hardest when you miss it), but it felt great to be back in a world I felt like I may never see again. Psychonauts inspired me, before life got in the way, to become a concept artist for games, and it influenced me in a number of ways, in empathy, in aesthetics, in exploring one's personality and dredging up and working through mental issues.

Psychonauts 2 was perhaps better than 1. It more succinctly portrayed the journey that people with mental illness or at the very least trauma go through, and it did it in an equally if not more creative way than 1. And the gameplay segments all felt tighter, faster, and more varied than the original, which still holds up even. A bit of flash to the presentation sold scenes even stronger, and it fleshed out the world and most of the core characters to be miles deep. I do think some of the new kids couldve been improved, or more of the older ones couldve been brought back, but its adherence to the timeline is a blessing. it shows how much double fine cares about this, their baby. It's stronger than most other remakes/distant sequels/etc.

I only dock it slightly as it didn't feel perfect. some weird performance and graphical issues, but these were rare. I'm excited that Microsoft money might make psychonauts 3 uber polished, and this already notched the bar up several times. It brought tears to my eye at the opening scene because of how important it is to me, and seeing it play well, look great and still feel like the original.

I hope we get a psychonauts 3 in some form, but if it doesn't happen, 2 has thoroughly satisfied me.

An excellent idea for a game that's entirely let down by its third act, which seems to completely run out of ideas and loses all the narrative momentum earned by the first two acts. A real shame.

A ferociously unique game that more or less sticks the landing, and holds up excellently to modern standards.

it has fanboy and chum chum five stars i love fanboy and chum chum so much