If we are just talking about the core game itself, its pretty good. Some changes for the heroes were made with how they play.

!!First Impressions!!

They finally gave it a whole redo. After all that mayhem with the last map. We finally get something little more different, and a better battle pass.

Everything is a lot more open and wide leaving it almost as a disadvantage for any zero-build player that isn't carrying an AR like a red-eye. Its almost refreshing in comparison to the last map, but at the time annoying with how open and empty some places can really be.

The battle pass is unironically at its peak and the Doom Slayer is carrying it along with there being No Cape Shit! 0_0

Do you remember those flash games in middle/elementary school where you cooked food at restaurants? I know I do, and this game certainly fuels me up w/ that nostalgic feeling of it. While it's so far just been a straight from mobile to PC port of this game, all of the usual suspects for what's expected in a mobile game aren't present at all. Kinda lame however that they have achievements listed on its store page but none of the actual achievements are realistically/possibly obtainable at all.

What a classic! Back in my days in 4th grade middle school, this was one of the Flash games that i'd be all over at the computer class. It's nice to come back around to this all these years later and look at it more as Angry Birds but epic!

Wish that there was the ability to make my own levels to crush some castles and upload to. Unfortunately we live in a world were we can't have nice things :(
(still worth it regardless for nostalgia sake)

More of the same to be had here and there's nothing wrong with that. The first game already was great and it delivers on that and some extra. The final boss it adds into it is also a thing, it sucks...

This game is incredibly fun, gets me really feeling like I am Spiderman! The whole vaporwave aesthetics it has going for it is pretty, i like it. However that final 10 levels literally just make things turn to borderline torture. I wouldn't put it pass ya if you dropped it entirely after getting stuck in that stretch of the game.

Short and nostalgic season for the oldheads that've been on it for a while. Haven't been playing it that long for it to be making a hit on me like that.

This review contains spoilers

Whoever designed the level Dead Ahead, I hope you notice the sniper dot on your head.

I've never watched any of the BTTF movies so I have zero connection to the films. For the value that you're getting out of this content is pretty underwhelming. I was able to power through it all in a single sitting with a triple nozzle.

This game might be seen as probably the forgotten or worst one of the lot of other kart racers, but this is personally one of my kart racers, even after playing this for the past twenty years I still come back to this one.

This bird's eye view of the Castlevania we have at home is such an addictive game where your main focus is to make your moves around and dodge incoming enemies. The many weapons you get are earned from gems littered around the map as you slay more and more enemies, which are done automatically. For the $3 asking price for the rogue-like type of game it can certainly get chaotic as time goes on, but by then you're hopefully stacked up w/ enough power to get you by and wipe endless bats at one go.

Probably the best biking game period.

Playing this before Middle School started was fun

Fish friends get drugged by bread and escape their owner's for freedom.