About You: Video Games

Favorite Game
No question about this one. More than any other 3D game I've played, it knows how to keep itself completely open and honest while simultaneously having the capacity to grow and evolve alongside you.
Favorite Series
There isn't a single bad mainline game, and there's plenty of amazing music, interesting lore, really pretty technically impressive visuals and some of the most intense bosses ever found in platformers.

(Honorable mention: Mario)
Favorite Soundtrack
There's so many others that should be here alongside this that I should probably make a list for it, but Chrono Trigger is one of those peak SNES soundtracks that I couldn't imagine the world being without.
Favorite Protagonist

No, not Apollo. Hobo dad grape juice addicted awful pianist ultimate chessmaster with a cool camera beanie Phoenix Wright.

The worst thing AA5 did was to make him incompetent again.
Favorite Villain
"What villain?" you might ask. "The game doesn't have one single antagonist." But there is.

It's greed. Greed is the root of all problems in Pikmin 2.

(Honorable mention: Final Fantasy X)
Favorite Story
This game's story is everything I want out of a JRPG - everything I want out of a video game. There's so much that ties down so well thematically that it's a disgrace to see what ways Square has milked this game after X and X-2.
Have not played but want to

Wait, this is by the people behind Moon?!
You Love, Everyone Hates
This is probably the one game I'd consider myself an apologist about. In my opinion, it's better than DX - just about anyone with an opinion on Pac-Man will disagree.

(Honorable mention: Lost Levels. Get good.)
You Hate, Everyone Loves
I'm sorry! I've tried so many times to come around on this one. I've even changed my mind on the first game!

But this game just doesn't feel good to play.
Best Art Style
I can't put in Kirby's Epic Yarn, so this is close enough!

(Honorable mentions: there's so many, I should just make a list)
Favorite Ending
A monochrome cartoon flower asked me not to go through that again and to let it live on as a memory, not just for myself, but everyone in this game world.

I'll never break that promise with him.
Favorite Boss Fight
All of them. I don't even care about the art style on this one. Make everyone stick figures and it'd still be as compelling. Turn everyone into squares and it'd still kick as hard.
Childhood Game
I'm not all that big a fan of Pokémon these days, but after four hundred hours into Platinum, I could never completely forget about this series.
Relaxing Game
It's comfort food in single-player video game form.
Stressful Game
I'm going to go with a slightly different definition of stress than I normally would and say that Picross games in general just get me obsessed about completing them, filling every box, solving every puzzle.
It's not good for me.

(Honorable mentions: Doom, Hotline Miami, most gunplay games, Among Us)
Game you always come back to
Arcade-like games in general, honestly - I'd play Annalynn and Space Invaders Extreme more if they were on Switch
Guilty Pleasure
What do you get when you cross a character who turns out to have been pivotal to my entire life, and some really good J-pop?

a half-decent rhythm game.
Tons of hours played
This game was my socialization back in a period of intense anxiety and existential dread.

Never forget there are people out there in the world.


2 years ago

you know what? everytime that i forgot about chrono trigger and listen to "frog's theme" i just remember that this still is a great game and how i love jrpgs and games in general . . . also i understand your feelings toward sa2!

2 years ago

I need to play Sonic Adventure 2 for the sole reason that I've seen people list it as both "I love, everyone hates" and "I hate, everyone loves".

2 years ago

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it!

2 years ago

I made a list too mellorine! Denied my clout once again >:o

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