Am I crazy or was this on the original Xbox? Anyway, this game is ridiculous but it was the first racing game I really got into (my dad played gran turismo but I didn't vibe with it).

Yeah, Carmelita Fox is a babe. I'll admit it.

Underappreciated for sure. Awesome game. True "next-gen" experience.

My first Pokémon game. Everyone has one, and this is mine.

Playing this as a 5 year old made me feel like the coolest person in the world. Spraypainting cops and blasting around shibuya on rollerblades is just a perfect time capsule of the era.


I've put an ungodly amount of time into this stupid game so I have to give it 5 stars to justify it.

Spent dozens of hours just playing survival with my neighbor. We also beat the campaign at some point too, probably.

The most earnestly emo game ever made. Perfect for my pre-adolescent self. Neku's my boy.

Wish they had followed up on this game. I think this might be the only non-fighting game where you can beat the shit out of Wolverine.

My first JRPG. Makes me wistful just seeing the cover art.

Most underrated KH game. I'd rather play this again than KH3.

Ok, well, I didn't realize there was a separate thing for the original game, but whatever. Me and my neighbor played this when it came out and just laughed for an entire day.

The best, and last, F-Zero game, but not nearly as aesthetically cool as X.

I never beat this as a kid but I got pretty far and really liked some of the soundtrack.

The original "feels like your Spiderman" game.