Great game but dear god are the requirements to get the true ending bullshit.

Absolutely amazing value for money. So much content and incredibly fun bullet hell gameplay, endlessly replayable. Easy recommend!

To all Monster Hunter fans:

Oh my God, I get it.

This game is honestly great. I find it all just so soothing and satisfying, It's a playable piece of art.

A clunky, soulless and deeply unenjoyable experience. Do yourself a favour and play Sonic Mania instead

I'd played Bayonetta 2 and absolutely fell in love, so going back to the original was a fun little romp. This established the snappy and satisfying combat that the Bayonetta series is now renowned for, but you can see some growing pains. Some enemies attacks have quite poor signalling, leading to some deaths feeling pretty cheap. For the most part however the combat is great and boss fights were a particular highlight to me. I love the spectacle of boss fights in this game, with Fortitudo and the final boss being particular standouts to me. If you can bear some fanservice from time to time then you're in for a good time

An expertly crafted game combining two genres that you'd never think to combine, but thank God they did. CotND takes it's idea and runs with it to have a tough yet fair game that always leaves you itching for another run if you fail. Slowly learning enemy patterns is a staple of the roguelike genre and here they all move to the beat and so do you. You are as fast as the fastest enemy, nothing is cheap. Well except maybe the bats, killing the red ones with a dagger is a humbling experience to put it nicely. It can look off-putting but once you're on board, you'll love it.

An absolute masterclass in platforming games, with every jump and dash feeling as smooth as silk. This game is an absolute treat to control, with every death feeling like it was your fault. The speed of respawns upon death means no matter how challenging something may be you never feel bogged down due to the large number of attempts you can take in such a short space of time. This is a must play for every gamer.

Played on the NES Classic. An incredibly fun game that holds up surprisingly well. Was not expecting it to be this high quality but left having had fun.

A charming and really weird game that just is a fun little romp from start to finish, nothing mind-blowing but you'll leave with a smile.

This review contains spoilers

This is my favourite game currently. It is absolutely wonderful and most seem to need no convincing that this is the case. The main cast of characters are all so loveable and feel real with struggles and aspirations that you can empathise with. The gameplay is the best of Xenoblade 1 and 2 mashed into extremely satisfying and engaging combat. I wish i could give this a 10/10 and for the first 6 chapters for me it was but some issues in the seventh chapter resulted in me dropping it to a 9/10, probably 9.5 actually. These are pretty nitpicky but prevalent enough to not be able to ignore, once you're through with them and into the postgame though they won't be issues, bar one. The chain attack theme in every fight apart from the final boss interrupts the music, while the chain attack theme is excellent, there are some story moments where the song fits perfectly, just to be interrupted by an entirely tonally different theme, it can be quite jarring and almost puts you off chain attacking in some instances. Another issue I had is that near the end there are multiple fights in which you beat whoever you're fighting, a cutscene happens, and then you fight them again (Crys, N, Z), it seems an odd decision. I could argue that in N's case it symbolic of his utter desperation to win and while that's thematically cool, gameplay wise it was a bit of a nuisance. My final complaint is that if you die in the final boss it sends you back to the beginning, the boss can be upwards of 2 hours with cutscenes included so dying 1 1/2 hours in can be demoralising. I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking a lot but these are genuinely the only flaws with this game, everything is else is nothing short of masterful and this is definitely so far my GOTY.

The unthinkable happened, a shakeup to the Pokémon formula. The new catching mechanics are incredibly fun to the point that when a battle comes up you kind of don't want to do it.

The absolute perfect Pokémon experience. Great difficulty, a diverse selection of Pokémon to catch and fun locations to explore culminate in a mainline Pokémon game that acted as the perfect end to the sprite-based era of the series

Fire Emblem at some of its best. Satisfying as all hell strategy RPG with a cast of characters that you're bound to love at least a few of them. For my first run I picked the Golden Deer and for this replay I picked the Blue Lions.

(Played on Legendary difficulty with 4 players)
One of the most fun and chaotic Multiplayer games ever made, a true must play for everyone. The gameplay is satisfying as hell and the world it takes place in can be mesmerising, the feeling of first seeing a Scarab is unmatched. The only gripe I have is some weird checkpoint placements.